Nantucket 26th 2nd 1809
[Es]temed Friend Josiah Bradlee
We Duly Received thine 6th & 16th Inst [INSTANT] as Respects the oyl
seed included. Starbucks would have sail'd the Day
[???] Did for Boston but so it is. we Belive the Quality
& Size of Cask is such that it may sell well for Even
in [???] it would be Preferd to Common [Sumerage?]
by all that uses it. the act of Tales of 37 Boxes of
Candles is correct & to Satisfaction. we have shipt
by Capt Starbucks 35 Boxes of Candles to thy Care
Weight 1086 when sold Please to Cr [CREDIT] our act [ACCOUNT].
We might? [???] the Uncertinty of Peoples standing
in these perrilous times & therefore Request thy
Care as to Purchessing not Doubting thy Exertions
for our Interest as far as the Case Requires we
Remain with Due Respects
S & O Macy
NB these Candle would Stand Good to Go round
the world as the stuff was in Cakes a Sweetting
12 months. if the Embargo is of [OFF] we shall
ship Largly we are in Wunt of a Good Br Potashes
abiel [???] [???] Verry anxious about
the Late of her goods we Remind her that
Every thing will be Done by the [THEE] for obtaining
them & if so fortunate as to get them thou will
Ship them for her.
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