one now we desire thou will send a deed if agreable [AGREEABLE], to Batch so as to compleat [COMPLETE] the business agreable to contract with Batchelder
From thy friend Silvanus J. Macy
Nantucket 23rd 9mo 1795
Henry Stouffer & co.
We received your letter pr [PER] Post respecting the purchase of oyl [OIL]. This may inform before it comes to hand that our schooner was engaged a full loade [LOAD] should any other opportunity present this fall we should embrace it & ship the oyl [OYL] to you if our order for time to come comes seasanible [SEASONABLE] we can & shall be ready to comply with them that for the time to come. You may if agreeable send general orders or timely orders for a shipment & you will have it regular to your wishes with due payment. We remain your Friend
Sylvanus Macy
NB Flour is now 12 if you incline to ship any this fall. We believe it would meet with a ready sale. SJM
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