Smith, Jackson, 100th USCT Pension

Not a match for the man buried in St. Louis Cemetery.


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16 May 2004 DM Bruce D. Frail 1000094 8W3 24 24 GM Pensionx Jackson Smith Arry Smith Co. C. 100th USCT Infantry United States Colored Troops Civil 261.732 259.505

Last edit 5 months ago by Duq66
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Box 36384 Cert. 259 505 Arey E. Smith

Last edit 5 months ago by Duq66
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261.732 Arey Smith Jack Smith C 100th U.S.C.

Last edit 5 months ago by Duq66
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illegible D. Rhodes Xenia illegible 139 E 2nd St first South of main Dayton, Ohio, February 17, 1887 Hon. Con, of Pesseous Sir; The reputation for truth of this witness is good Says he knows widow; Sissy Smitj that her maiden name was Waunell, that she and soldier, Jackson Smith took up together about the time Fremont was defeat ed for President and live together till Lin coln was elected, when soldier was sold off into Boone county, Ky. Just after was soldier came to Xenia Greene County, Ohio, and married a woman lived with her about 3 years and she died. Soon afte this, the soldier heard of wife no 1 coming to Xenia, Ohio. Affiant says he heard that sol dies and wife not present widow-went to Covington, Ky and were married Says they lived together 2 or 3 years and he died, and that the widow has not married, bu t is a "good Christian woman" Affiant says soldier was not well after he came from the war, had "cramps". and died of cramps about 15 years ago. Very respectfully, McHenry Owen Special Examiner

Last edit 5 months ago by Duq66
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Stamped Supervising Examiner Feb 19 1887 ??OMAC District Dayton, Ohio. February 17, 1887 Hon. Com. of Pensions, Sir, The reputation for truth of this witness is good. Says he knows widow, Daisy Smith that her maiden name was Waunell that she and soldier, Jackson Smith took up about the time Fremont was defeated for President and lived together till his color was detected when soldier was sold off ?? Boone County, KY. Just after was soldier came to X??ville ??rue County, Ohio and married a woman lived with her about 3 years and she died. Soon after this, the soldier heard of wife no 1 coming to Xenia Ohio. Affiant says he heard that sol dies and wife- not present widow- went to Covinton Ky and were marriedsays they livedtogether 2 or 3 years and he died and that the widow has not remarried but is a "good christian woman" Affiant says soldier was not well after he came from the war had "cramps" and died of cramps aboutb15 years ago. Very Respectfully McHenry Owen Special Examiner

Last edit about 1 month ago by Fitz
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