
Letter from Fred S. Ross to Lillian Exum Clement, January 29, 1904




University Club Seattle, Wash. Jan 29, 1904 My Dear Exum, I hadn't heard from you for so long that I thought you had forgotten me intirely. You can't imagine how glad I was to hear from you once more.

Do you remember a very reurote promise you made at one time? You said you waould send me one of your pictures, but I have never received it. Nor have I one of any of the other girls. I want to know what all of you look like; needless to say you keep growing prettier.

Last edit 5 months ago by vlgoranson


University Club Seattle, Wash. 2. So please hurry up and send one.

I am now over in Seattle again. I have been here just two weeks.

I have a brother who has been in business here for some years, ever since he came back from Klondyke, and he got an excellent position for me over here, which I stepped into the day after I arrived.

We had a good deal of snow and ice over at home this winter, but on this side of the mountains it is much milder being on the coast or Puget Sound I should say.

Last edit 2 months ago by voodoodollbabie


University Club Seattle, Wash. 3. The boating season opens in April or May, and then it is delightful.

My! but I'd like to take a jaunt down to Biltmore just to see you dear people again.

The Vanderbilts have closed their estate haven't they? I heard so.

Does Mr. McNance keep a cottage down there still?

He is up here just now, he comes into the Club occasionally.

My it sounds funny to hear of all those little kids like Ford & Lipe getting married, is the Cochrane family still in Biltmore?

Last edit 2 months ago by voodoodollbabie


University Club Seattle, Wash. 4. Are they all married off yet?

Did the Donahues all marry?

In fact are any of the kids single, that were wearing knee pants when I was down there?

I lost out with Clara Creasman too, didn't I. I'm having all kinds of bad luck.

I hope you will be able to read this, it looks pretty ragged.

Well Exie dear I must saw off now because I have lots more letters to write today. So write soon and tell me all the news and anything else.

Yours with much Love, Fred S. Ross

Last edit 2 months ago by voodoodollbabie


Miss Exum Clement Biltmore North Carolina

Last edit 2 months ago by voodoodollbabie
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