At Collier's Ordinary, June 1, 1781
I this Day received a Letter from Capt. William Christmas, of Warren County, by which I am informed that the late Drafts &c. will rendezvous in Halifax District; the meaning, I conceive, is, that Provisions will be required should be glad you would write to Halifax, & let me know the particular place, or places, where you would require stores, & also what Quantity - according to your Di= =rections I first sent Provision to Hillsborough; next to Harrisburg - which, however, will be very suitable at those Places, on other Occasions - I would have come by, to have seen you, but I am conducting a Number of Waggons with Baggage &c. down to Halifax, am, and have been for these three Weeks, much fatigued in the Quarter Master's Department – .
I am, Sir
your humble Serv.
Joshua Potts
S. C. H. D.
[text on bottom left-hand side of page] Gen. Sumner
J Potts June 1781
Public Service
The Honorable
Brigadier General Sumner
Warren County
p Express
Salisbury 5th June 1781
A few days ago your Sorrell Horse Branded 8C was brot to this place with some other Strays & unfortunately without thought was put into a Waggon that went for Forage as soon as he arrives I shall have him taken [to the?] care of & forwarded on your order. I belive Thos Giles would have taken him to you had he not been Out that way. He is very poor & has a miserable [sore?] Back. Pray write me the News & Believe me to be, with Respect &C [illegible], Yo. Mo. Ob. Serv. Cam: Gamble
PS your letter that come from [???] [Grenadier?] [Il??] you by Capt Watts of Col. Whites Dragoons, my complim'ts to Mr. Nichols let me hear from you [Early?] [app?]
Captain James [Ware?] A.C.P. Head Quarters
Forward'd by M Giles
T Ed. Gamble June [4th?]
June 5 1781
D Sir
Your letter of the 1st Inst. came to hand last nigh with A request for 50 Beeves from this County; that number perhaps may be had including those of two years old, and upwards. I am very sorry to hear that the army is so reduced to want as to require such young Cattle & I am very fearful that the advantage arising therefrom will not be adequate to the loss the Country must certainly sustain hereafter.
The Tories in the Southern part of this County at the time the British Troops were at Halifax collected 40 or 50 of the best Cattle in the County, but were retaken by the Pitt County men and carried to Newbern district, so that from that part of the Coy which was by far the best for Cattle I expect to get none, and what few might have remained. Linton & wh our Little army are now in those parts, & I will take the [ball????]