
Session of March-April, 1761: Lower House Papers; Rejected Petition and an Estimate of Pay and Allowances




North Carolina ss

An Estimate of the Allowances due and Payable to the Members of the Assembly Clerk and Heirs thereof this Present Session of Assembly held at Wilmington in March and April in the Year of our Lord 1761

Last Session Total
√ Samuel Swann Esqr Speakr √ 4 34 38 [blank] 0 2 [blank] 14√ 7 8√
√ Mr John Markey √ 4 34 38 [blank] 0 1 [blank] 14 6 4
√ Mr Thomas Graves √ 8 32 40 [blank] 0 2 [blank] 15√ 2 0
√ Mr John Fonville √ 8 34 42 [blank] 0 2 [blank] 15√ 17 0
Mr Richard Caswell √ 8 21 29 [blank] 0 2 [blank] 11 . 2
Mr Thomas Taylor √ 18 14 32 [blank] 2 18 [blank] 14√ 20 8√
Mr Benjamin Palmer √ 18 30 48 [blank] 1 9 [blank] 19√ 9 4
Mr Andrew Miller √ 18 30 48 [blank] 1 9 [blank] 19√ 9 [torn illegible]
Mr Francis Brown √ 16 32 48 [blank] 1 [damaged illegible] [blank] 19√ [torn illegible] [torn illegible]
Mr William Skinner √ 16 31 47 [blank] 1 8 [blank] 19√ [faded illegible] 6
Mr Francis Corbin √ 14 29 43 [blank] 2 14 [blank] 18√ 16 6√
Mr Robert Beasely √ 14 29 43 [blank] 1 7 [blank] 17√ 9 6
Mr John Backhouse √ 6 22 28 [blank] 0 1 [blank] 10 11 4
Mr John Barrow √ 10 32 42 [blank] 0 12 [blank] 16√ 7 0
Mr Robert Whitehall √ 20 29 49 [blank] 1 12 [blank] 19√ 19 6√
Mr Joshua Campbell √ 20 29 49 [blank] 1 12 [blank] 19√ 19 6
Mr Edmond Smithwick √ 12 34 46 [blank] 0 12 [blank] 17√ 17 0
Mr Stevens Lee √ 12 33 45 [blank] 0 12 [blank] 17 9 6√
Mr George Pollock √ 14 30 44 [blank] 1 6 [blank] 17√ 16 8√
Mr Joseph Sykes √ 14 33 47 [blank] 0 9 [blank] 18√ 1 10
Mr Robert Harris √ 14 31 45 [blank] 0 4 [blank] 17√ 1 6√
Mr Samuel Benton √ 14 31 45 [blank] 0 4 [blank] 17√ 1 6
Sum Carried over £363.10.4
Last edit 17 days ago by powens


Estimate Contd and crd over £363.10.4

Mr John Sampson √ 4 33 37 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 14 0 2
Mr Willm Houston √ 4 33 37 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 13 18 10
Mr Thomas Lloyd √ 12 28 40 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 15 4 0
Mr Needham Bryan √ 10 26 36 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 13 14 0
Mr George Moore √ 2 9 11 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 4 5 2
Mr john Ashe √ 2 31 33 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 12 10 2
Mr Robert How √ 4 34 38 [blank] 0 5 4 [blank] 14 10 4
Mr Willm Bartram √ 4 34 38 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 14 7 8
Mr Alexr Osborn √ 8 31 39 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 14 16 6
Mr Chas Robinson √ 10 29 39 [blank] 0 2 8 [blank] 14 15 2
√Mr Joseph Leech √ 8 30 38 [blank] Nil 2 0 [blank] 14 7 0
√Mr Cors Harnett √ 2 34 36 [blank] 0 Nil Nil [blank] 13 10 0
√Mr William Dry √ 2 31 36 [blank] 0 13 4 [blank] 13 8 4
Mr Blake Baker √ 14 24 38 [blank] 1 7 8 [blank] 14 12 8√
√Mr Michl Coutanche√ 10 26 36 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 14 14 0
Mr Thos Rispis √ 10 11 21 [blank] 0 12 0 [blank] 8 9 6
Mr Wm Haywood √ 14 24 38 [blank] 0 4 8 [blank] 14 9 8
Mr Duncan Lemon √ 14 24 38 [blank] 0 4 8 [blank] 14 9 8
Mr William [Cole?] √ 6 24 30 [blank] 0 1 4 [blank] 11 6 4
Mr Thos Gibson √ 6 24 30 [blank] 0 5 4 [blank] 11 10 4
√Mr Stepn Dewey √ 14 19 33 [blank] 0 7 8 [blank] 12 10 2
Mr Alexr McCulloch √ 14 19 42 [blank] 0 7 8 [blank] 12 10 2
Mr Herritage Clerk 8 34 42 [blank] 0 4 0 [blank] 22 12 0
Danl Dupee Mace Bearer √ 8 34 42 [blank] 0 2 0 [blank] 11 6 0
Benjm Fordham door keepr √ 8 34 [blank] 2 0 [blank] 11 6 0
Wm Herritage Clerk Sctry Services 80.0.0 £695 10.2
Last edit about 1 month ago by powens


Amot Brot Over [torn] √Danl Dupee Extra Services [torn] √Benjamin Fordham Extra Services [torn] √Wm Herritage 2 Transcripts of Journals of last Session [torn] Wm Herritage Stationary Ware this present Session [torn] Wm Herritage 1 Transcript ^(of Journal of last Session) to the Printer [torn] To Jn Burgwin for Copying three Bills & Ingrossing 10/5 [torn] To Jas Walker for Ingrossing & [Copying?] of ^(Ingrossing Sundry] Bills to (wit) 14. 12.0.0 To Thos Godfry for Ingrossing Two Bills & Copying. 10.0.0 [bracketed text] To the Reverend [Mr?] Camp for the Services preach'd before 20.0.0 the [year?] & assembly this Sessions. [text to right of bracketed text] 20.0.0 [end text to right of bracketed text] [end bracketed text] To Robt Knox for Ingrossing one & Copying Three Bills. 3.0.0 To Wm Hellier for Copying Bill for Dividing St. Johns & Granville Parish. 1.0.0 To James Blyth for Sundry Necessarys for the Indians 4.10.8 To Wm Stafford Sundry Necessaries for the Indians. 0.19.8 To Jno Campbell for [???] for the Assembly this Session. 7.10.0 £ [torn illegible]

Gentm of His Majestys Honble Council The addition of one day comes to £17.11.4 £821.1.10

The above Estimate of the allowances to the men here of the Assembly Clerk and others was here Read & Approved of and Desire your Honble Concurrence thereto Clk Sam Swann Speakr 22 April 1761 By order Wm Herritage NB. The omission of one day to Each member ^(and officers) [crossed out] [Must?] be ^([added]) [???] in this Estimate of [this?] [???] for use [end crossed out text] ^(sum must by added to this Estimate) of Assembly & desire your Honble Concurrence

23d April 1761 In the Upper House read approved of and Concurred with By order Jno Burgwin Clk Jas Hasell P.C

Last edit about 1 month ago by powens


Est. Wilmington Session 3d March 1761

Last edit 5 months ago by powens


[???]_April 4, 1761

To Samuel Swann Esqr Speaker and the Rest of the Worshipfull Members of ^(the) Assembly of North Carolina

The humble Petition of Joseph Williams Sheweth

That your Petitioner having for Several years past exercised the Office of Sheriff of Duplin County Whereby he became a Debtor to the Public in a large Sum of Money for Public Taxes, But meeting with Misfortunes he is Rendered unable, at this time, to Discharge the Balance of £229.2.1 which is due from him, without great Detriment to himself and Family as he hath already been obliged to Dispose of Several Valuable Slaves in order to reduce the Debt to what it now is; And as there is a Judgment against him and Execution in the hands of the Sheriff to Levy on him the aforesd Balance

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays That the Assembly will give of him Twelve Months to pay the said Balance in; And be pleased to Direct that the Execution may be Countermanded. And as in Duty Bound Your Petr shall ever pray Mr Joseph Williams


Last edit 4 months ago by powens
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