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Amount Brought Over £270.9.6
Mr William bartram was allowed ^(his) Claim of Four Pounds one Shilling and Four pence [crossed out] procl[a]m[ation] Money [end crossed out] For holding Two Inquests (To witt) one on the Body of A Child which was found Dead in Bladen County the other on the Body of Patience Grant ^(Neither of them having) [crossed out] [no?] [end crossed out] Estates 4.1.4
Mr Richard Spaight was allowed his Claim of Fifty one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and two pence in Full for sundrie Services done as per Accounts Filled to this day 51.13.2
Mr Frederick Gregg [crossed out] [Esq?] [end crossed out] was allowed his Claim of Twenty Six Pounds three Shillings and Four pence for work done, Lumber Nails & about the Magazeen as by Accts Filed, [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(he was) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] also Allowed Twelve Pounds For one year's Care of the Magazeen 38.3.4
Mr John Walker was Allowed his Claim of one Pound Nineteen Shillings and Four pence For burning A Negroe Fellow In Duplin and Sundrie other services etc. 1.19.4
Mr William Walker was [crossed out] also [end crossed out] Allowed his Claim of Four Pounds sixteen Shillings and Eight pence For Executing Two Negroes and sundrie other Services etc 4.16.8
Amount Carried Over £371.3.4

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