Status: Page Status Transcribed
Amount Brought Over | £270.9.6 |
Mr William bartram was allowed ^(his) Claim of Four Pounds one Shilling and Four pence [crossed out] procl[a]m[ation] Money [end crossed out] For holding Two Inquests (To witt) one on the Body of A Child which was found Dead in Bladen County the other on the Body of Patience Grant ^(Neither of them having) [crossed out] [no?] [end crossed out] Estates | 4.1.4 |
Mr Richard Spaight was allowed his Claim of Fifty one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and two pence in Full for sundrie Services done as per Accounts Filled to this day | 51.13.2 |
Mr Frederick Gregg [crossed out] [Esq?] [end crossed out] was allowed his Claim of Twenty Six Pounds three Shillings and Four pence for work done, Lumber Nails & about the Magazeen as by Accts Filed, [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(he was) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] also Allowed Twelve Pounds For one year's Care of the Magazeen | 38.3.4 |
Mr John Walker was Allowed his Claim of one Pound Nineteen Shillings and Four pence For burning A Negroe Fellow In Duplin and Sundrie other services etc. | 1.19.4 |
Mr William Walker was [crossed out] also [end crossed out] Allowed his Claim of Four Pounds sixteen Shillings and Eight pence For Executing Two Negroes and sundrie other Services etc | 4.16.8 |
Amount Carried Over | £371.3.4 |
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