


Status: Complete

Amount Brought Over £150
Mr John Stewart sheriff of Cumberland was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds for [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(his) Sallary as Sheriff for the year 1756 he having fully accountted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Mr James Polavint was allowed his Claim of four Pounds one shilling & Four Pence for holding two Inquests (to wit) one on the Body of John [smeared] [illegible] [end smeared] the other on the Body of Agness Taylor ^(neither of them) having ^(any) Estate 4.1.4
Mr Morgan Brown was allowed his Claim of Four pounds one Shilling & Four Pence for holding Two Inquests (to Witt) one on the Body of Joseph Carrel the other on the Body of John Thall ^(Neither of them having) any Estate 4.1.4
Mr William Walker was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] for his [crossed out] yearly [end crossed out] Sallary as Sheriff of Newhanover for the year 1757 he having fully Accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Mr Sam Green was Allowed his Claim of Four pounds Eight shillings Pr[smeared] money for Sundrie Medicines for several Criminals as per Accts [Filig?] 4.8[torn]
Amount Carried Over £182.10.8

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