Status: Complete
Amount Brought Over | £150 |
Mr John Stewart sheriff of Cumberland was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds for [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(his) Sallary as Sheriff for the year 1756 he having fully accountted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 |
Mr James Polavint was allowed his Claim of four Pounds one shilling & Four Pence for holding two Inquests (to wit) one on the Body of John [smeared] [illegible] [end smeared] the other on the Body of Agness Taylor ^(neither of them) having ^(any) Estate | 4.1.4 |
Mr Morgan Brown was allowed his Claim of Four pounds one Shilling & Four Pence for holding Two Inquests (to Witt) one on the Body of Joseph Carrel the other on the Body of John Thall ^(Neither of them having) any Estate | 4.1.4 |
Mr William Walker was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] for his [crossed out] yearly [end crossed out] Sallary as Sheriff of Newhanover for the year 1757 he having fully Accounted with the Treasurer for that year | 10 |
Mr Sam Green was Allowed his Claim of Four pounds Eight shillings Pr[smeared] money for Sundrie Medicines for several Criminals as per Accts [Filig?] | 4.8[torn] |
Amount Carried Over | £182.10.8 |
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