
Session of March-April, 1761: Joint Committees; Committee of Claims, Reports from November-December, 1760 and March-April, 1761


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Apl. 16 1761

North Carolina ss

Reports of the [crossed out] Publick [end crossed out] Committee ^(of Public) Claims held At Wilmington the 18 Day of November Anno Dommino 1760

Present The Honorable{ {John Swann} {Maurice Moore} {Lewis Derosset} }Esqr Members of his Majesty's Councill

John Starkey} John Ashe} William Bartram} Mr Mackey} Edward Vail} Samuel Benton} John Frohock} Robert Howe} Blake Baker} }Esqr Members of Assembly

The Committee being met at the House of Mr John Jones's Proceded to make Choice of a Chairman Mr John Starkey was Chose Accordingly And at the same time Mr James Walker was Appointed Clerk to the said Committee

Orderd by the Committee that the said James Walker set up an Advertisement giving all persons [Notice?] having Business in said Committee to give their Attendance at the House of Mr John Jones's where the said Committee will Attend to do Business Every Evening During the Session.


Last edit 3 months ago by powens
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Mr Joseph Watters was alowed the sum of Sixty Pounds Procl money for a Negroe man Call'd Tom Condemnd Agreeable to an Act of Assembly of this Province awaiting the Tryal of Slaves the said Negro Since Reprieved by his Excellency Committee are of oppinion that the House order him to be stripd of by the Treasurer to Reimburse the Publick 60
Mr John Dalrymple was allowed the sum of sixty pounds proclm money for a Negro man Calld Jack which was shot Braking his Masters House and Being Run away 60
Mr William Bryan sheriff of Johnston was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(for his) sallary as Sheriff For the Year 1759 he having fully Accountted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Mr. Joseph Cruthers Sheriff of Craven was allowed his Claim of Ten pounds for his [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Sallary as Sheriff For the year 1758 he having fully accounted with the Treasr for that year 10
Mr. Thomas Robinson sheriff of Bladen was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds for [crossed out] [illegible] ^(his) sallary ^(as Sheriff) for the [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] Year 1758 he having fully accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Amount Carried over 150
Last edit 3 months ago by powens
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Amount Brought Over £150
Mr John Stewart sheriff of Cumberland was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds for [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(his) Sallary as Sheriff for the year 1756 he having fully accountted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Mr James Polavint was allowed his Claim of four Pounds one shilling & Four Pence for holding two Inquests (to wit) one on the Body of John [smeared] [illegible] [end smeared] the other on the Body of Agness Taylor ^(neither of them) having ^(any) Estate 4.1.4
Mr Morgan Brown was allowed his Claim of Four pounds one Shilling & Four Pence for holding Two Inquests (to Witt) one on the Body of Joseph Carrel the other on the Body of John Thall ^(Neither of them having) any Estate 4.1.4
Mr William Walker was allowed his Claim of Ten Pounds [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] for his [crossed out] yearly [end crossed out] Sallary as Sheriff of Newhanover for the year 1757 he having fully Accounted with the Treasurer for that year 10
Mr Sam Green was Allowed his Claim of Four pounds Eight shillings Pr[smeared] money for Sundrie Medicines for several Criminals as per Accts [Filig?] 4.8[torn]
Amount Carried Over £182.10.8
Last edit 3 months ago by powens
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Amount Brought Over £182.10.8
√ Weight & Mortimore was allowed their Claim of Eight Pounds [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] For Castrating and attending of Two Slaves Vizt Cyrus belonging to Darby Eugene Sampson Belonging to Job How the Sheriff ^(having) given up his right 8
√ Mr John Mortimore was allowed his Claim of Four [crossed out] pounds proclm Money [end crossed out] ^(pounds) for Castrating and attending a [crossed out] of [end crossed out] Negroe Calld Quaugh the Property of Mr Dry the Sheriff ^(having) given up his right 4
√ Mr Josua Toomer was allowed his Claim of Four pounds Eighteen Shillings [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] for holding three Inquests (to witt) one on the Body of John Read and one on the Body of Ann Merrick the other on the Body of Negroe Tom who died in goal belonging to John Bell ^([the?] above having] no Estates 4.18
Mr William Powels was allowed his Claim of Twenty five pounds Twelve Shillings [crossed out] [proclm?] Money [end crossed out] in full for Seals to this day accts Filed 25.12.
Mr William Powels was allowed [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(his Claim) of Forty five pounds Eight shillings & Ten Pence [crossed out] Pro [end crossed out] [crossed out] Money [end crossed out] for sundry Expresses paid by his Excellency as per Vouchers filed 45.8.10
Amount Carried Over £270.9.6
Last edit 3 months ago by powens
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Amount Brought Over £270.9.6
Mr William bartram was allowed ^(his) Claim of Four Pounds one Shilling and Four pence [crossed out] procl[a]m[ation] Money [end crossed out] For holding Two Inquests (To witt) one on the Body of A Child which was found Dead in Bladen County the other on the Body of Patience Grant ^(Neither of them having) [crossed out] [no?] [end crossed out] Estates 4.1.4
Mr Richard Spaight was allowed his Claim of Fifty one Pounds Thirteen Shillings and two pence in Full for sundrie Services done as per Accounts Filled to this day 51.13.2
Mr Frederick Gregg [crossed out] [Esq?] [end crossed out] was allowed his Claim of Twenty Six Pounds three Shillings and Four pence for work done, Lumber Nails & about the Magazeen as by Accts Filed, [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] ^(he was) [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] also Allowed Twelve Pounds For one year's Care of the Magazeen 38.3.4
Mr John Walker was Allowed his Claim of one Pound Nineteen Shillings and Four pence For burning A Negroe Fellow In Duplin and Sundrie other services etc. 1.19.4
Mr William Walker was [crossed out] also [end crossed out] Allowed his Claim of Four Pounds sixteen Shillings and Eight pence For Executing Two Negroes and sundrie other Services etc 4.16.8
Amount Carried Over £371.3.4
Last edit 3 months ago by powens
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