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Meeting Board of Trustees North Carolina College
for Negroes, Durham, May 26, 1925.

1. Total expenditures to date $24,483.74 add for Heat and Plumbing $3002.56 = $27,846.30
a. New buildings 18,392.76
b. Repair old buildings 1,982.25
c. Equipment, etc.

2. Estimates of necessary repairs on old buildings
3. Estimate cost of survey for landscape architect
4. Approximate cost services of landscape architect
5. Status swerage and water plants _______________)
6. Shall we rewire auditorium
7. Items charged against insurance money received on burned
buildings which shall be charged to maintenance - $803.50
8. Can we estimate possible emergencies for next two years - buildings,
repairs, etc?

For 1925-1926

I. Apparent status July 1, 1925
1. Maintenance Fund (State appropriation) $30,000.00
a. Probable deficit June 30th $1,782.17
b. Reduction 5% by ditection Budget
Bureau 1,500.00
$ 3,282.17
Balance available next year $26,717.83
Estimate receipts from fees
Total (possible income)

2. Buildings and Improved Fund (State appropriation) $30,000.00
a. Survey and landscape architect's fees
(approximately) $ 750.00
b. Repairs - estimated $8050.00
c. Possible emergencies $1000.00

Balance available for new $ 9,800.00
construction $20,200.00

II. Discussion - Courses of Study to be offered

III. Consideration of Budget 1925-1926

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