Total appropriation for both public and private institutions $2,004,954.57. Amount contributed by Negroes for Rosenwald Schools $623,263.00
1. Rosenwald Fund $605,726.00 $ 1500.00
2. General Education Board 396,901.30 542432.27
3. Slater Fund 151,230.00 134840.00
4. Jeanes Fund 172,325.00 __________ __________ Total $1,326,182.30 $678,772.27
Total appropriation for both public and private institutions $2,004,954.57
Amount contributed by Negroes for Rosenwald Schools - $ 623,265.00
Money Appropriated and Available from Outside Agencies For Negro Education in North Carolina for the Calendar Year 1929.
1. Anna T. Jeanes Fund [column 1] $11,709.00 [column 2] 2. Slater Fund a. Salaries and equipment in county training schools [column 1] $13,050.00 [column 2] b. Salaries of teachers in colleges [column 1] 6,525.00 [column 2] 19,575.00 [column 3] 3. Rosenwald Fund a. Buildings [column 1] $61,650.00 [column 2] b. Transportation [column 1] 17,372.50 [column 2] c. Extension of School terms [column 1] 9,513.36 [column 2] d. Libraries [column 1] 2,000.00 [column 2] e. Traveling expense of librarian [column 1] 350.00 [column 2] f. Building Agent [column 1], 1,500.00 [column 2] g. Rosenwald Day program [column 1] 100.00 [column 2] h. Livingstone College [column 1] 30,000.00 [column 2] i. St. Augustine's College(dormitory and dining hall) [column 1] 10,000.00 [column 2] j. " " " ( Nurses' home) [column 1] 15,000.00 [column 2] k. " " " (college library) bldg [building] [column 1] 7,500.00 [column 2] l. N. C. College, Durham (college library) [column 1] 1,750.00 [column 2] m. Scholarships [column 1] 6,500.00 [column 2] n. Public health nurses [column 1] 1,560.00 [column 2] o. Fayetteville State Normal(dormitory) [column 1] 30,000.00 [column 2] p. Livingstone College (college library) [column 1] 500.00 [column 2] 195,295.85 [column 3]
4. General Education Board a. N. C. College, Durham ([illegible] [column 1] $45,000.00 [column 2] b. Fayetteville State Normal [illegible] [column 1] 35,000.00 [column 2] c. St. Augustine's College (Bldg [Building] [Program?] [column 1] 40,000.00 [column 2] d. State Department of Education (Dr. [illegible]) [column 1] 10,500.00 [column 2] e. Scholarships (Mr. Credle) [column 1] 1,200.00 [column 2] " " (Dean W. S. Turner) [column 1] 1,200.00 [column 2] S. D. [Williams?] [column 1] 1,300.00 [column 2] D. D. Jones [column 1] 800.00 [column 2] [E.?] T. [crossed out word] Fredericks [column 1] 1,000.00 [column 2] [5,500.00?] [column 3] Winston-Salem Teachers College [illegible] [column 1] 2,500.00 [column 2] [begin crossed out] 132,900.00 [end crossed out] $138,500.00 GRAND TOTAL [column 1] [begin crossed out] $359,479.85 [end crossed out] [column 2]
Philanthropic Funds and Negro Education
During the past twenty-five years four philanthropic agencies have contributed $1,877,132.00 towards the promotion of Negro Education in North Carolina:
The General Education Board. A. Public School Enterprises: 1. State Normal Schools located at Fayetteville, Winston-Salem, Elizabeth City, and Durham, [column 1] $155,399.81 [column 2] 2. State Agents of Rural Schools, [column 1] 71,610.69 [column 2] 3. County Training Schools, [column 1] 103,222.95 [column 2] 4. Training of Teachers in County Training Schools, [column 1] 2,762.00 [column 2] 5. Summer Schools, [column 1] 25,724.42 [column 2] 6. Home Makers Clubs [column 1] 17,014.31 [column 2] 7. Fellowships in Colleges, [column 1] 11,550.00 [column 2] TOTAL [column 1] $387,284.18 [column 2] B. Private School Enterprises: 1. To Colleges and Universities, [column 1] $535,773.97 [column 2] 2. Training of Teachers in Private and Denominational Colleges, [column 1] 6,658.30 [column 2] TOTAL [column 1] $542,432.27 [column 2] GRAND TOTAL [column 1] $929.716.45 [column 2]
The constant aim of the Board has been to stimulate progress and to increase efficiency, and in all of the gifts to institutions it has sought to assist the officials and not to act as a patron. The appropriations made for public education have been made upon the request of public school officials, and have been used under the specific directions of local county, town, and city super
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tendents and boards of education. When a contribution is made the local school officials are free to use it for the purpose agreed upon. The Board has never, in any way, indicated the slightest desire to exercise any control whatsoever over the administration of the schools, either public or private. What is done is done with a keen desire to be of assistance in providing a satisfactory school system for the children of the state.
All North Carolina people will remember with appreciation the Farm Demonstration work initiated and promoted some years ago by Dr. Seaman A. Knapp. His program was financed by the General Education Board. Likewise, North Carolinians will remember with gratitude the splendid work of Dr. C. W. Stiles in the eradification ofhook worm from our state. The Rockefeller Health Board provided the funds to carry out his program.
As the Farm Demonstration program was an aid in the economic development of North Carolina, and the Hook Worm Eradication program brought health and longer like to thousands of our people, so the General Education Board, and the other Funds discussed in this paper, are [crossed out] one [crossed out] an aid in the development of an educational program for all North Carolina people. (It is probably not generally well known that the General Education Board has made large contributions for the education of white people also. A person who knew the facts, stated a few years ago that the Board had given for white education in the South about 5 dollars for each dollar contributed for Negro education).
Appropriations to the Normal Schools were made to purchase modern equipment for modern buildings erected by the State.
For fourteen years the salary and expenses of the Director of Negro Education have been paid under the head of "State Agents of Rural Schools". An assistant's salary has been paid in part for the past six years.