A half dozen important recommendations were made by this five-man Commission to
the Governor, and their fellow members in the 1939 General Assembly. Two of these
were very important: a. " - - that the state appropriate annually approximately
$250,000 to be used in the reduction of the differential between white and Negro
teachers' salaries." This recommendation was complied with by [begin floating handwriting] ^this and [end floating handwriting] succeeding Legislatures
until 1944 when salaries were equalized.
b. There had been much discussion about graduate and professional training for
Negroes. The Commission recommended that the Legislature of 1939 make a beginning in
this type of training at two of the state institutions lending to the M. A. and M. S.
degress. Also that Extra-Mural Training be provided for work above the Master's
degree, and for certain Master's degree courses which could not immediately be offered
at the North Carolina College for Negroes in Durham, nor at the Agricultural and
Technical College in Greensboro. The Commission advised that the $132,500 be appro-priated to initiate this program. The Legislature of 1939 accepted the recommendations
of this Commission, (members of the 1937 Legislature) and provided funds for beginning
a program of graduate and professional education on a fairly reasonable basis.
Fourth - Before the fourth official study was made in 1944, a summary of the status
of Negro education in North Carolina was prepared with results in three categories as
shown below:
[second page of paper appears taped to bottom of above, with handwritten text] Insert
I. Points in Public Education Program in which there is now equality of educat
-ional opportunities between the races:
1. The length of the school term - 180 days.
2. Teacher-pupil allotment in the elementary schools
3. Teacher-pupil allotment in high schools
4. Courses of Study - both elementary and high school (Twelve-Year Program)
5. Regulations for accreditment of both elementary and high schools.
6. Program for training and certification of teachers.
7. Salaries of teachers and principals.
8. Evaluation of high schools.
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