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[letterhead printed and handwritten]
"Credit need and not abused,
Is capable that never melts away."
Lumberton, N. C. 11 - 6 1907
M Prof F. M. Seawell
In account with CALDWELL & CARLYLE,
Great Department Store
[column 1]
1. Dry Goods,
2. Clothing,
3. Notions,
4. Millinery,
5. Shoes,
6. Hats,
7. Books,
[column 2]
8. Stationery,
9. Carpets,
10. Mattings,
11. Furniture,
12. Groceries,
13. Harness,
14. Stoves,
[column 3]
15. Wagons and Carts,
16. Country Produce,
17. Bagging and Ties,
18. Crockeryware,
19. Glassware,
20. Hardware,
21. Plows.
Caldwell & Carlyle (G) 11 - 6 - 07 -
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