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Barke Mercator New Bedford on the Charleston Ground.

Remarkes on board. Friday. May. the 30.
All these twenty four hours light breezes from the southward and eastward
At daylight seet all sail heading alonge N. E. and E. employed in brakering
Out and looking for pipe shoocks. [seo] at 2. P.M. saw a schoole of
Blacke fish lowered all three boats and chased and did not get any
So endes these twenty four hour Lat. By Obser. 32 " 59.
Long At 4 P. M. By Chron 72 " 26.

Remarkes on board Saturday. May. the 31.
These first part of these twenty four houres light breezes and calmes from
The southward and westward latter part [squrly?] with some rain and
A blowing hevay wind N. N. E. steered a course E. employed in [barking?]
Out for shorks at 9. A. M. took in the topgallant sails and doubled reefed
The topsails at sun dow closed reefed the fore topsail furled the
Mainsail saw one fore and aft schooner a steering about S. W. saw a
Merchant ship steering to the eastward showed english colers
So endes these twenty four houres Lat. By Obser. 33 " 05
Long. At 4 P. M. By Chron 71 " 45

Remarkes on board Sunday June the 1
All these twenty foure houres strong breezes from the N. N. E. to E. by N.
Steered a course E. untill the wind hauled around N.E. by E, and
Then heading alonge by the wind to S.E. stood sea watches and
Caried sail so endes these twenty four houres Lat. By Obser. 32 " 28.
Long. At. 3 P M. By Chron. 69 " 57.

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