



Status: Complete

night the farit got out of the molasses
barriel and a hole barrel ful of molasses
ran all out they waded around in the
pantry in the molasses dep to their
anchels and it ran all out on the cabin flore
Mon 14 we have another gale the last 24
hours with the vesel a rowling so that
we had to hold on for our lives with
both hands and then sometimes we
would be throne headfomast acrost
the cabin and the vesel rowling her
rail under boath sides and the
most part of the time the water on
deck was from thare kneas to the
top of the rail we have a board
fitted in the cabin doar that comes
about to Georges sholders and it would
come over that and into the cabin
at night we had to lay to, it blew
so hard we could not lay in our burth
Tues 15 to day very fine wether with fair
wind and plenty of it and very
high sea we have had a whale
anong side to day a small fin back
he came of his one a cord he followed
the ship for sometime but they did
not try to get him They sayed they

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Line 1 - "farit" = ferret?
Line 4 - "dep" probably means deep