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mountain about ____ Capt Nickerson thought we
better go to the Consuls. we stoped to a store and dismounted
and went in and got rested then went over to the Consuls
but his wife was sick and they had been washing and
the servants were washing the floor the gentleman that see
me over to the house left me there but he soon returned
sead that a Capt Farnum had sent an invation for us to
stop at his house so I shoke hands with family and
started of with this gentleman he could speak good Engliah
but I could speak with none of the Consuls family excepting
the Father. When we arrived at Capt Farnums found
Daniel. Capt Nickerson and Capt F. all laying back in
the large easy chairs smokeing after being introduced to Mrs
Farnum and her sister. Could not speak a word with
them, but the Capt spook very good English. The Capts
went for a walk. Did not get any thing to eat till five
oclock and I was very faint. Went to bed about ten oclock.
October 29th
Did not get up early for they do not breakfast till
ten oclock. When we first got up had coffee and bread.
Daniel and Capt Farnum left the house at twelve oclock
to go down the mountain to go aboard of our vessel. While
they were gone Capt Nickerson come to the house but did not
stop long. When Daniel and Capt Farnum got down the
mountains they found Capt Tripp had come of the Bark
President. They went of the Pedro and when they come back
Capt Tripp was jest coming down to the beach to go of to
his vessel so they see him off and when they got back to
the house it was most seven oclock so we did not get
our dinner till after seven while at the table a gentleman
come to the house and invited us to come and spend
the evening with them so about nine oclock we started
Capt Farnum and Capt Nickerson. Daniel and I
supposed I was going to spend a quiet evening with a
family but when we arrived there here was two
and a banjo and a on the floor dancing the house was
full of people. The mans daughter of the House was to
be married in about three weeks that was why they had
the dance. We left between one and two oclock arriving at
Capt Farnums jest two oclock. In the afternoon Mrs
Farnums sister took me to call to a house next to theirs
their vere two daughters. The Father and Mother was away

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