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Bound Towards The Indian ocean 1844

Sunday August the 18th commences with strong trades
at [3?]P. M took in the maintopgallant sail and reeft the
Mizentopsail the man that fell feels easey but wee
Doo not expect him too live his scull being bro
ke in so far hee fell on the brime of a barrel an
d brok his scull so that it does not meet by half an
inch hee is in his sences and hes bin all the time
Midel part strong brezes steereing s w by s at
2 AM in singel reeft the foretopsail latter part
Wind the same and cource the same so ends

Let 8-20 s Longitude 23 08 w

Monday August the 19 th commences with strong wi
nds and considerable swell from the s w cource
s w by s the man that fell feels easey and says
he is not in mutch pane midel and latter part
Strong trades under singel reft topsails the wa
tch employed tarring down the after rigging the
Man that was hurt was in considerable pane
Both the midel and latter part so ends {initial}

Lat 10-30 south Longitude 24-40 w

Tuseday August the 20 th commences with strong
Trades steereing s w by s saw one finback the
Watch employed brakeing out the fore hole
After old junk too mak spunyarn the man
That was hurt still lingers along and is in
Considerable pane the cabin boy has bin of doo
ty a week midel and latter part brisk brezes
And fare cource s w by s the watch employed
Brakeing out after tar saw a sail steereing too
The north ward end eastward saw nothing so ends
Lat 12-52

Wednesday August the 21 st commences with fine
Brezes and fare cource s w by s at 1 PM set the top
gallant sails the man that was hurt feels ea
sayer midel and latter part strong brezes from the s e
The watch employed tarring lifts end footropes
And main stay saw one finback so ends
Let 15-44 south Longitude 26-12 w


The number [13] as written appears in the upper right of the page and does not appear as part of the original log.

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