Ship Huntress of New Bedford Sailed .. Ret...Ocean...Capt....Owners ............Catch ______________________________________________Sp.....Wh.....Bone 8/13/32.3/13/36 AV06886 Pacific Francis Post Alfred Gibbs & Co Sp 1538 5/14/36 11/5/37 AV06887 Ind John Cole " sold at [Bahia?] 50Np 1700Wh Sp100 Wh1450 11/4/38 6/10/39 AV06888 Ind Almanzor Hall " Sold at Hobart town 114Np SP 141..Wh 2898 Bone 29000 10/25/39 6/26/41AV06889 " " Np 551 Wh 2804 8/20/41 3/6/44 AV06890 " Charles S. Taber " Ebeneezer Peck 1st Mate lost from Boat by falling Nb 400 Wh 3500 Bone 20000 6/25/44 8 27/47AV06891 So Seas Edward T. Shearman Robert Gibbs Nb 75 Wh 1800 Bone 61197 10/4/47 5/8/50 AV067892" target="new">AV06892 Pac NW - - Do Nb 135 Wh 2275 Bone 32900 8/10/50 No Pac George Gibbs Do X lost 4/25/52 [ - ] Nb 63 Wh 585 Bone
X Lost on Karaginsky Isld (Kamchatka) AV06893 Crew suffered severely from Cold Horace Hermna remembers that the crew built a [bolin Doberus?] from the Wreck - see Honolulu Friend (d 18- page 64
pre-printed= (advertisment on page)John Kehew Nautical Instrument Maker North White Street New Bedford pre-printed= The Andrew Snow, JR, Collection
[Marginalia: Voyage around the World [log?] #164 ]written after Edwars Shearman]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES
Line 6: Hobart is a city on the SE coast of the island of Tasmania
Line 14: Karaginsky Island is in the Karaginsky Gulf in the Bering Sea forming a 25 mi. wide strait with the Kamchatka Peninsula. Ref.:
[Loose paper left in the log] Ship Huntress Please Receive from this Boat 30 Bbls Irish Potatoes & oblige [Bonss?] Rush&Co [Sah?] [Oct?] 9/49
Ship Huntress
[No image for the following, which is on the page opposite to the inside cover:] Josephine Devolls Book
Josephine Devoll
Josephine Devoll