



Status: Complete

{left margin} Salvadora Martin
En la yglesia de San Antonio de Vejar en treynta dias
del mes de septiembre de mill setesientos tre-
inta y sinco años baptize y puse los
santos oleos y chrysma a Salbadora Martin
de edad de ocho años de la nacion apache y
la catequise en los rudimentos de nuestra santa
fe catholica fue su padrino Francisco Xabier
de Saldua a quien adverti el parentesco
espiritual que abia contrahido y la obligacion
de eseñar a su aijada la doctrina cristia-
na y para que conste lo firme.
Bachiller don Joseph de la Garza {rubric}

{left margin} Bernardo
En la yglesia de San Antonio de Bejar en trein-
ta dias del mes de novembre de mill setecientos
treinta y cinco años baptize y puse los santos
oleos y chrisma a Bernardo parbulo de la
nacion apache de edad de cinco años poco
menos fue su padrino Francisco Jabier de Saldrea Ma-
guregui a quien adverti el parentesco espiritual
y obligacion de enseñar a su aijado la doctina cris-
tiana y para que conste lo firme.
Bachiller don Joseph del la Garza {rubric}

Notes and Questions

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Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi Phyllis, thanks for this! I'm going to look over it now. Did you want to do the _L1 record or should I finish that? Either way is fine. Just a couple things going forward:
{left margin} instead of {Left Margin}
and the ñ should be available to copy/paste just below the image now.



Hi Aaron, where do I find the _L1 record? did I transcribe the wrong one?

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi Phyllis,
I actually meant to write L2 which is the second record on the left side. You transcribe R1 which is first record on right side. That one needed to be transcribed, but we will also need the L2 trancribed. Let me know if you want to try it! Thanks,



Sure, I'll give it a try!


Hi, Aaron, One more question about L2. Do I just transcribe L2 in the same transcription window as I did R1? The line numbers will not start at 1 if I do.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi Phyllis,
Don't worry about the line numbers as they won't matter in the long run. We'll be downloading the transcriptions and reformatting them, so that's why they don't matter, as long as we keep the transcriptions line by line, we can match things up. Thanks!