



Status: Complete

{left margin} Maria Francisca Manuela de la Santisima Trinidad Fernandes
En la ciudad de Santa Fee a los 9 dias del mes de junio de 1833 yo el presbitero
Juan Felipe Ortiz cura propio vicario foraneo y juez eclesiastico de este territorio
bautise solemnemente segun el ritual romano a una niña de
tres dias de nacida a quien puse por nombre Maria Francisca de la Santisima Trini-
dad hija de padres no conocidos fueron sus padrinos Domingo Fernan-
des y Juliana Quintana a quienes adverti las obligaciones y parentesco
espiritual que contrajeron y para que conste lo firme.
Juan Felipe Ortiz {rubric}

Notes and Questions

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I believe R1 is the incorrect record targeted; should be R2? Advise if I am incorrect.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Gregory, I'll contact the research now. Thanks!


I may have reviewed this fast and corrected according to the record assigned entry, sorry for skipping the notes you both left here. Feliza

Native Bound Unbound Project

Feliza, I opened it back up and am waiting to hear back from the researcher, ok? Thanks!


This one is on me as I was not more clear in my original note. Apologies.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Gregory, you are right that this was supposed to be R2. Thanks!


Feliza, I have edited the R2 transcription so you'll probably want to review it again.


Thank you Gregory, excellent job! I just clarified the abbreviation Sma in the left margin and in the main text for santisima.