


Status: Complete

Page number:

No of certificate: 72261

Forename: William

Surname: Kean

Born at: Rush

Year: 1819

County: Dublin

Certified as: Master

Certified at: Dublin

Date: 23 May 1856

No of certificate : 72262

Forenames: John

Surnames: Kelly

Born at: Antrim

Year: 1816

County: Antrim

certified as: Master

certified at: Waterford

Date: 28 June 1856

No of certificate: 72263

Forenames: John

Surnames: Keith

Born at: Bowman [Bowmore]

Year: 1814

County: Argyle

certified as:

certified at: Liverpool

Date: 24 June 1856

No of certificate: 72264

Forenames: William Peek

Surnames: Kerswell

Born at: Dartmouth

Year: 1818

County: Devon

certified as: Master

Certified at: Liverpool

date: 23 June 1856

No of certificate: 72265

Forenames: John

Surnames: Kirwin

Born at: Drogheda

Year: 1803

County: Louth

certified as: Master

certified at: Sligo

date: 15 December 1856

No of certificate: 72266

Forenames: Benjamin Swim

Surnames: Kimball

Born at: Barrington

Year: 1816

County: Nova Scotia

Certified as: Master

Certified at: Liverpool

Date: 18 Nivember 1856

No of certificate: 72269

Forenames: William

Surname: Kay

Born at: North Shields

Year: 1803

County: Northumberland

certified as: Master

certified at: London

Date: 28 January 1857

No of Certificate: 72270

Forename: Hugh Horatio

Surname: Knocker

Born at: Kensington

Year: 1829

County: Middlesex

Certified as: Master

certified at: London

date: 5 February 1857

Notes and Questions

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First one I have come across from the little fishing village of Kensington!

Scrumpy Geoff

Big winkle picking community on the banks of the Thames but certainly a shortage of fishing vessels!


Actually his family came from Dover. There is a very interesting story behind his birth in Kensington on page 19 of this document https://www.oks.org.uk/assets/files/Offcuts%20No_%2039%20Spring%202014.pdf
He is the first Royal Navy officer I have come across in this series.

Scrumpy Geoff

How on earth did you find that?

National Archives of the United Kingdom

Nicely found, his Royal Navy record is here: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7586914

National Archives of the United Kingdom

One example of how indexing these can find related records.

Scrumpy Geoff

And time to spare because we have nothing to transcribe!

National Archives of the United Kingdom

ok, so you are getting though them quicker than I can sort them. I will get another load uploaded tomorrow.

Scrumpy Geoff

Well done. Not too many!


Hugh Horatio Knocker had a daughter Editha who was a famous violinist. She now has a Wikipedia article.