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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
222 9895 453365 21 July 1920 No 1 Dock G H ? Shute 20 Tipper 15s 0d per day Applying the brake to a wagon on the weighbridge of No 1 Dock when the lever flew up and the index finger of his left hand was caught between it and the wagon bed Sever bruising of finger Did not leave work D
222 9896 453363 22 July 1922 South Hydraulic Engine House C Evans 17 Hyd-trimmer 5s 10d per day He required to move the iron plates which formed a barrow run in the Boiler House and finding them heated Evans applied water to cool when he states that some vapour arising therefrom came in contact with his left leg Slight scald on calf of leg Did not leave work D
222 9897 453360 23 July 1920 Sully Hydraulic Engine House F Sharpe 19 Pipe fitter 7s 4d per day The R H cylinder cover of one of the Hydraulic Engines had been removed and was leaning against a wall. When about to replace this cover Sharpe was pulling at it in order he states to ascertain the position of the eye bolt hole, when the cover came forward and as he could not hold it he fell with the cover the weight of which came on his leg Left thigh fractured Certified fit 8 January 1921 when he left Rly's service 24 1/6 weeks £41 17s 9d £41 17s 9d F
222 9898 453371 23 July 1920 No 2 Dock J Foster 28 Spare fireman 10s 7d per day Foster was discharging coal from a wagon for the Transit Shed Pump, and while wheeling a barrow the small finger of his left hand was acught betrween it and the truck. The matter was not reported until theb 26th July when he gave up work Small finger bruised 29th July 2 days R
222 9899 453362 23 July 1920 No 2 Dock R J Jones 23 Brakesman 10s 8d per day Some empty wagons were required to be moved in a siding near the Transit Shed and the trainsmen used the capstan for this work. Jones's finger got caught between the hook of the capstan's rope and the axle guard as his mate applied the pressure Finger lacerated Did not leave work R
222 9900 458630 28 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds Barry W H Slee 17 Loco-driver 5s 3d per day He states that while he was in a stooping position cleaning the bogie wheels of a Loco a labourer turned on the injector with the result that in rising quickly he struck his head against the footplate Cut head slightly Did not leave work R
222 9901 453379 28 July 1920 Trehafod Yard A J Davies 34 Guard 13s 1d per day This man was about to pilot a Taff Vale train into the Sidings and in jumping on to the Engine he struck his knee against the cage of the steps Left knee bruised Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
223 9902 458638 30 July 1920 No 1 Dock H May 63 Berthing Master 15s 3d per day In order to hail the tugs May was walking along the front of No 19 tip and when under the shute a piece of coal fell therefrom a struck him on the head Top of head cut 5th August 1920 4 days D
223 9903 458632 30 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry G T Sinclair 16 Loco cleaner 4s 3d per day This youth reports that while engaged cleaning the motions of a Loco his right elbow came in contact with a nut of the framework. He was absent from duty for one turn only. Right elbow cut 2 August 1920 one turn only R
223 9904 453372 23 July 1920 No 1 Dock D A Doble 16 Tug Cleaner 6s 3d per day Doble was oiling the thrust block of the engine of tug "Windsor" when his right foot slipped and the large toe was caught between this block and a bolt of shafting Large toe bruised Cerified fit 3 August 1920 1 1/3 weeks - 11s 5d - 11s 5d D
223 9905 453373 27 July 1920 Low Level Sidings No 1 Dock J Slee 26 Asst Fouman [foreman] 10s 1d per day He was walking from these Sidings to the Inspector's cabin in the vicinity and in crossing the rails he states he slipped on a sleeper and fell forward. In his efforts to prevent bodily injury he put out his hands with the result that he sustained injury to his wrist Right wrist fractured 30 August 1920 4 2/3 weeks £8 3s 4d £8 3s 4d R
223 9006 453368 July 22 1920, July 24 1920 No 2 Dock E H Gorecz 40 Pitwood Worker Tonnage This man reported on the 24th July that while making a sling of pitwood on board the S S "Tonnay" on 23rd July he sustained a slight wound on the knuckle of the forefinger of his right hand and that septic-poisoning supervened. Gave up work on 24th July Blood poisoning following slight wound on finger 9th August 1920 2 weeks £3 10s - £3 10s - D
223 9907 435377 29 July 1920 Per Way Yard, Barry H Martin 18 Underman 11s 3d per day Martin was striking a set with a hammer when a piece of steel which fled off the former came in contact with his right eye lid. Eye-lid cut and bruised 9 August 1920 1 1/3 weeks - 11s 8d - 11s 8d R
223 9908 458649 August 1st/6th Sully Hydraulic Engine House O Hillman 18 Hyd[raulic] fireman 11s 8d per day While shovelling coal from the bottom of a heap at No 18 Boiler bunker a lump which must have lodged between the rails at the top of bunker fell and struck Hillman on the left leg. He gave up work on August 6th Left knee bruised 23 August 1920 2 1/6 weeks £3 15s 10d £3 15s 10d D
Last edit 2 months ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
224 9909 458639 30 July 1920 Per Way Yard, Barry W White 18 Striker 10s 6d per day White was striking for a Smith who was making a box spanner when the forefinger of his left hand came in contact with the key piece of the spanner Index finger cut Did not leave work F
224 9910 458647 30 July 1920 Porth Hydraulic Engine House R Govier 19 Hyd. firesman 11s 8 per day Govier states he was talking to another workman near a pile of firebars when it is alleged his foot came in contact with the bars with the result that three of them fell from the top of the pile on to his feet Left instep and large right toe bruised 5 August 1920 4 days D
224 9911 458636 3 August 1920 St. Fagans Station G H Compton 26 Shunter (1) 13s 0d per day Compton was acting as front Guard of the passenger train looked to leave Cardiff at 10/0 pm for Pontypridd. After giving the Driver the signal to proceed at St Fagans he was about to rejoin the train when he slipped and wrenched his left ankle Sprained ankle 6 August 1920 2 days R
224 9912 458644 4 August 1920 No 3 Dock (Basin) J H Harnett 51 Labourer (S) 20s 0d per day This man was at work in a wagon of fuel which was to be shipped per the SS 'Glenbrook' when a Guard who had other wagons to dispose of in the same road caused them to be propelled with such force that they collided with the former vehicle and caused Harnett to be thrown down Right ankle bruised 9 August 1920 3 days D
224 9913 458645 4 August 1920 Pt. Barry Station A J Pimble 41 Guard 13s 1d per day After signing off duty Pimble heard that the 6/20 pm passenger train ex Cardiff had collided with an engine and proceeded to the spot. While rendering assistance to remove passengers he states that he sustained a severe cut on one of the fingers of his right hand by some broken glass Third finger cut Did not leave work R
224 9914 458638 4 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry J Davies (3) 33 Loco Fireman 14s 0d per day Davies states that while attending to the fire of the Locomotive on which he was working a lump of coal fell on his right foot Large toe bruised 16 August 1920 1 and one half weeks £0 17s 6d £0 17s 6d R
224 9915 458643 5 August 1920 Barry Island Station W Richards 32 Loco-fireman 14s 0d per day While alighting from the Locomotive on which he was working for the purpose of changing the headlights, Richards slipped and struck his left leg against the footplate Bruising of left leg Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
225 9916 458648 6 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds Barry R W Hartery 25 Coaler 11s 8d per day Hartery was assisting in the dumping of coal at the Coal heap and during the course of this operation he was endeavouring to get clear of some falling coal when he wrenched his left leg Left leg wrenched Did not leave work R
225 9917 458646 7 August 1920 Coity Junction W Dwyer 25 Loco-fireman 11s 0d per day While attending to the fire of the Locomotive on which he was engaged, Dwyer was removing coal from the bunker when the bunker door fell on his right hand Second and third finger right had crushed Did not leave work R
225 9918 458656 9 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry H J C Humphries 25 Loco-fireman 11s 0d per day Humphries, in the course of his employment had alighted from the Loco on which he was engaged and when remounting his right foot slipped off the top step, his shin striking the second step Shin right leg cut and bruised Di not leave work R
225 9919 458657 9 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry W Gardiner 76 Loco-driver 15s 0d per day Gardiner states he was tightening up the large end of the Loco of which he was in charge, when the spanner which he was using slipped off the set screw, the index finger of his left hand coming in contact with a split pin Index finger cut Did not leave work R
225 9920 458662 10 August 1920 No 2 Dock C Pavey 39 Boilermaker 12s 6d per day Pavey states that while he was working on the kicker girder of No 4 Traverse tip something fell, probably a nut or bolt, and struck him on the head Head slightly cut Did not leave work D
225 9921 458661 12 August 1920 Inner Deep Lock Bates J Lacey 67 Underman 11s 3d per day Some concrete in the main chamber of these gates had to be removed and in connection with this work Lacey was holding a punch which another man was striking when the hammer in descending fouled the side of the wall and glanced off against his right leg Shin slightly abraised Did not leave work R
225 9922 458669 16 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry H Hillier 17 Locomotive Cleaner 5s 3d per day Hillier was alighting from the Locomotive on which he had been engaged when his left hand came in contact with a piece of gauge glass which had been left near the handrail by the Glandpacker Palm of Left Hand slightly cut Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
226 9923 458670 14 August 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry A Ball 18 Locomotive Cleaner 10s 0d per day This Youth reported that while engaged in cleaning the tender of a Locomotive, he slipped and fell to the ground causing a wrench to his right foot Ankle slightly strained Did not leave work R
226 9924 458683 15 July 1920 13 August 1920 No 1 dock J H John 38 Turntable Oiler 12s 1d per day John alleges that when oiling the turntable of No 5 Movable tip he found the cap over the centre hole somewhat stiff and in his efforts to remove it he sustained a slight abrasion on the forefinger of his right hand. He did not report the matter until August 13, on which date he was compelled to give up work Abrasion on forefinger; septic poisoning followed 11 October 1920 8 one third weeks £14 11s 8d per day £14 11s 8d per day D
226 9925 458680 20 August 1920 Southerndown Road George Chick 45 Guard 13s 5d per day Chick was forming his train in the Goods Yard and while applying the brake to a Coal wagon, the pin suddenly left the rack with the result that the lever flew up and struck his leg above the knee Wound on Right Leg Did not leave work R
226 9926 458675 16 August 1920 No 1 Dock Sidings F G Stone 18 Brakerman 12s 3d per day Stone was engaged in Shunting operations in the sidings connected with No 19 Tip and when in the act of uncoupling some wagons the pole which was using, broke and tore the flesh in the palm of his left hand Flesh wound in palm of hand 30 August 1920 1 and 5 sixths weeks £1 9s 2d £1 9s 2d R
226 9927 458667 17 August 1920 Tyn-y-caeau South Sidings Henry Sowden 56 Platelayer Underman 11s 3d per day Sowden was examining the lines and sidings between Tyn-y-caeau North and South when it is thought he got under some wagons which were standing in No 2 Relief Siding and on emerging he failed to observe the approach of, and was struck by, an Engine which was travelling up on No 1 Siding Fracture of base of skull Fatal No claim preferred R
226 9928 458677 19 August1920 Barry Pier A J Pimble 41 Mineral Guard 13s 5d per day Engaged in picking up some coaches and after releasing the brake in the Guards van, Pimble was in the act of alighting when the door closed on his fingers of his right hand Top of second finger badly lacerated Did not leave work R
Last edit 2 months ago by Scrumpy Geoff
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 111 in total