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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
213 9833 453238 14 June 1920 No 2 Dock J Hall 34 Labourer (S) 16s 0d per day Hall was pulling down bags of wheat from a pile at Granary "B" when some of the bags fell from the top and one of them came in contact with his left foot Sprained ankle 13 Sept 1920 12 5/6 weeks £22 9s 2d £22 9s 2d D
213 9834 453239 15 June 1920 No 1 Dock J Jones 50 Tipper 15s 8d per day Jones was descending the ladder at the side of No 4 Traverser lift with the intention of assisting in the moving of this tip when the crane chain, which had apparently become lodged on some planking loosened and swung off striking him off the ladder Bruised left shoulder 16th June D
213 9835 453233 15 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry R Kerslake 17 Loco-cleaner 5s 3d per day This youth states he was engaged in cleaning the top of a loco when he slipped and fell to the ground Left knee bruised Did not leave work R
213 9836 453230 15 June 1920 Dock Entrance J Thomas 64 Underman 10s 4d per day Thomas was moving a drilling machine into position at the bed of the inner gates when the leg of the machine came down on the big toe of his right foot Bruising of big toe Did not leave work R
213 9837 453244 16 June 1920 No 2 Dock W F Gay 28 Prop-carrier 17s 6d This man was assisting to load pit-props into wagons - after one of the trucks had been loaded the end door would not close - as an empty truck was being pushed into berth alongside Gay attempted to close the door by holding a prop against it and waiting for the empty to strike the prop - on joining the latter broke and one of the pieces struck Gay in the face Face badly cut 23rd June 5 days D
213 9838 453237 14 June 1920 Fitting Shop, Barry D W P John 18 Apprentice Fitter 7s 7d per day While stamping a number on the large end brass of a Loco. John was holding the stamp with his left hand and on striking he moved and the hammer came in contact with his thumb (left hand) Thumb cut and bruised 22 June 1920 1 week F
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
214 9839 453264 15-17 June 1920 Per. Way Stores, Barry R A Durban 20 Temporary Storeman 10s 6d per day He reported on 21 of June that he was suffering from a strain to his left arm which he thought was due to carrying bags of Fang bolts sometime between 15 and 17 June. Doctors states condition of arm is due to infection from sore on knuckle of 3rd left finger Alleged strain of left arm Liability denied R
214 9840 453269 17 June 1920 No 2 Dock H Harris 59 Tipper 15s 9d per day Attending to some wagons on No 4 Tip road when he states that he slipped and felt across the metals his left leg stricking the rail. The matter was not reported to the Foreman by Harris until the 25 June Bruising of left leg Did not leave work D
214 9841 453243 17 June 1920 No 2 Dock G F Punter 19 Loco-fireman 10s 0d per day This man was in the act of working the injector of the Loco on which he was engaged and had the petcock open with the bag attached. The pressure caused some hot water to be forced out of the bag on to his left arm Slight scalding of arm did not leave work R
214 9842 453247 18 June 1920 Barry Station J Sheen 51 Passenger Guard 11s 8d per day In closing the door of the Guards van in his train Sheen jammed the index finger of his left hand Finger lacerated Did not leave work R
214 9843 453249 21 June 1920 Near Barry Station L Edwards 59 Sub. Ganger 10s 6d per day Edwards was un packing a sleeper when the 'beater' which he was using struck a small stone which flew up and came in contact with his right eye Bruising of eye Did not leave work R
214 9844 453250 21 June 1920 Treforest H Bishop 28 Underman 10s 2d per day Engaged trimming a hedge when a thorn entered the fore-finger of his right hand Slight wound in finger Did not leave work R
214 9845 453259 22 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds Barry C Baker 17 Loco cleaner 5s per day Standing in a pit cleaning the motions of a loco when an engine in front was used for uncoupling. This caused the former Loco to move slightly and the stay plate came in contact with Bakers chin Right cut on chin Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
215 9846 453266 23 June 1920 Commercial Dry Dock W J Limebear 25 Underman 10s 2d per day This man was assisting to remove a logic off the rails when one of the wheels passed over his left foot. Limebear was able to resume work on the 25 June Slight bruising of left foot 25 June 1920 1 1 quarter? days R
215 9847 453262 23 June 1920 High Level Sidings No 1 Dock Wm Rawnson 47 Ballast Guard 11s 8d per day Rawnson was engaged coupling one wagon to another when the pole which he was using slipped off the coupling with the result that his left hand was caught between the buffers Bruising of left hand Certified fit for light work after 27 November 1920 22 and a half weeks £39 7s 6d £39 7s 6d R
215 9848 453260 23 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry B J Clissold 41 Loco Driver 15s 6d per day After oiling a Locomotive in the No 3 Road pit, Clissold was climbing out of the pit when he struck his leg against the side Abrasion of left shin Did not leave work R
215 9849 453265 25 June 1920 Per. Way Yard, Bary C Symonds 47 Ballast Lab. 10s 4d per day Symonds was assisting to unload sleepers from a wagon when some of the timbers slipped off a tier and fell on his legs Fracture of left leg Certified fit for light work 6 November 1920 19 1 sixth weeks £33 10s 10d £33 10s 10d R
215 9850 453265 25 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry G H Swannick 30 Steamraiser 10s 6d per day Swannick states he was removing a lump of coal through the top door of the bunker of a Loco on which he was working when he experienced some pain in the abdomen Abdominal strain Did not leave work R
215 9851 453270 28 June 1920 Rhoose Station G Davies 49 Loco-driver 18s 0d per day Whilst the fire of the locomotive of which Davies was in charge, was being made up by his fireman he states some ash from the firebox entered his right eye Right eye inflamed Did not leave work R
215 9852 453277 28 June 1920 Barry Station H Chick 49 Loco-driver 15s 6d per day This driver states he was cleaning underneath the vacuum steam brake of the Locomotive of which he was in charge and when pulling his right hand away it came in contact with the steam brake Burn on back of hand Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
216 9853 453275 28 June 1920 Per. Way Yard A Squires 53 Sub-ganger 10s 6d per day He was assisting to remove a piece of timber on rollers when his right hand got caught between one of the rollers and the timber Second finger lacerated 14 July 1 5/6 weeks £1 9s 2d £1 9s 2d R
216 9854 453278 29 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry H G Jones 44 Fitter 15s 1d per day Whilst lightening up some studs on the eccentric straps of a locomotive by means of a hammer and chisel, the hammer missed the tool and struck Jones's thumb Left thumb lacerated Did not leave work F
216 9855 453284 30 June 1920 Port Gearing Dock Junction, Signal Cabin F Phillips 32 Underman 10s 2d per day He was using a bar to remove a stone when the latter broke with the result that the ragged edges of the bar lacerated Phillips's right hand Palm of hand cut Did not leave work
216 9856 453283 30 June 1920 Transit Warehouse S Fear 63 Sheeter and roper 10s 11d per day After conveying a sheet to the Transit Warehouse for convering goods in a wagon, Fear was leaning on a hand truck which overbalanced with the result that he fell and struck his head against the warehouse wall Scalp wound Did not leave work R
216 9857 453285 1 July 1920 Port Barry Station F Light 40 Underman 10s 6d per day This man was assisting to turn a check rail when his left hand was caught between it and another rail Second finger lacerated 3 August 1920 4 and half weeks £7 17s 6d £7 17s 6d R
216 9858 453286 1 July 1920 Reception Sidings Cadoxton J Brewer 50 Underman 10s 11d per day Brewer was standing in a wagon guiding a stone which was suspended by a crane chain when one of the fingers of his right hand was jammed between the stone and chain Top of finger crushed Certified fit 9 August 1920 5 week 1 third week £9 6s 8d £9 6s 8d R
216 9859 453290 2 July 1920 Water Column Treforest F R Chadwick 25 Loco-fireman 11s 6d per day The Loco on which Chadwick was engaged had been supplied with water and as he was in the act of closing the door of the inlet water tank the second finger of his right hand was accidentally jammed between the door and tank Second finger bruised Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
217 9860 453289 3 July 1920 Locomotive Yard, Barry E Preece 27 Shed Labourer 10s 0d per day Preece was in the act of closing the door of he sand furnace when the small finger of his left hand was jammed between the door lever and the wall. He was away from duty for one turn only Small finger bruised one turn only? R
217 9861 453295 1 July 1920 No 2 Dock F Dally 45 Tipper 15s 8d per day This man reports that while at work on No 30 tip he slipped and in attempting to recover his balance he strained his back Back slightly strained 5 July 1920 2 days D
217 9862 453293 1 July 1920 No 2 Dock Wm. Jenkins 50 Labourer (S) 16s 0d per day Jenkins was assisting in the bunkering of the "L Holyhead" and as he was handing a coal tub the palm of his right hand was cut by the ragged edge of the tub Palm of hand cut Did not leave work D
217 9863 453292 2 July 1920 No 1 Dock G McGillinary 37 Fitter 14s 2d per day As the ferryboat was being landed at the 50 ton crane this man proceeded to test the condenser when the crane crept slightly. This caused the boat to overbalance and McGillinary in jumping clear struck a raft which was in the vicinity Sprained left large toe and right shoulder Did not leave work D
217 9864 453299 5 July 1920 No 2 Dock A K Feazelle 23 underman 10s 3d per day Feazelle was sharpening a rearing hook with a whet stone when he cut the forefinger of his right hand Right forefinger cut Did not leave work R
217 9865 453300 5 July 1920 Tynycaeau North W F Kingdon 24 Underman 10s 2d per day Engaged with another workman in screwing up a fangbolt when the box spanner which Kingdon was using suddenly came off the head of the bolt causing him to slip on the sleeper Right knee wrenched Did not leave work R
217 9866 453303 11 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Trehafod A F Jones 19 Fitters helper 10s 5d per day Jones was assisting a fitter to remove the left hand large end brass of a Loco and whilst holding the trap in order that the brass could be removed one of the fingers of his left hand got caught between the brass and the bolt hole Second finger slightly cut and bruised 9 July 1920 1 day F
Last edit 3 months ago by K.Armstrong
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 111 in total