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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
208 9798 453142 18 May 1920 Coity G Huggins 22 Loco-fireman 10s 8d per day Huggins states he was walking around the footplate of a Loco to screw up the tank lid, when he slipped and in trying to save a fall, he struck his knee against the beading of the footplate Bruised left knee cap Did not leave work R
208 9799 453151 18 May 1920 No 1 Dock A Cowley 75 Launchman 11s 3d per day Cowley was mooring the launch at No 3 Jetty and to enable him to do it he had to lift the rope of another boat. The launch was mooring at the time and before Cowley could clear he was caught by the rope and thrown on to the boiler of the launch Left side bruised Did not leave work D
208 9800 453150 19 May 1920 High Level R Ball 22 Loco-fireman 10s 0d per day Whilst removing a lump of coal out of the bunker of the Loco on which he was engaged the bunker door fell and caught Balls finger Index finger right hand badly cut Did not leave work R
208 9801 453173 20 May 1920 Per Way Yard, Barry W Tuck 24 Underman 10s 4d per day Tuck was assisting to move a wagon when his right hand was caught between the buffers Second and third fingers lacerated Did not leave work R
208 9802 453161 20 May 1920 No 2 Dick W Powell 42 Tipper 10s 4d per day Powell was engaged in mixing wagons of coal on No 23 tip road when it was necessary to uncouple them and in getting between the wagons his head struck some projection, probably a misplaced nut Head badly cut 25 May 1920 3 days D
208 9803 453177 21 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Bary C G Dodd 20 Smithy 10s 11d per day Dodd was engaged cutting some iron when a piece flew off and struck the index finger of his right hand Finger slightly cut Did not leave work F
208 9804 453174 27 May 1920 Barry Station A J Francis 15 Underman 5s 1d per day Francis was picking up two cutting sets when one of them slipped and fell on his left hand Third finger bruised Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
209 9805 453163 21 May 1920 No Cadoxton Station F W Britton 34 Loco-fireman 12s 6d per day Britton states that whilst engaged attending to the fire of the Loco on which he was working he wrenched his back Back strained Did not leave work R
209 9806 453166 23 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry G Whittington 30 Crane driver 10s 6d per day In connection with the washing out of the boiler of a coaling crane, Whittington was walking around the pit when he slipped and fell, his wrist catching on the hook of a coupling pole which was lying on the ground Left wrist cut Did not leave work R
209 9807 453171 25 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry W Bartlett 21 Loco-fireman 10s 0d per day This man states he was in the act of coupling up two Locomotives when the thumb of his right hand was caught in the screw coupling of one of the engines Bruised thumb Did not leave work R
209 9808 453178 26 May 1920 No 1 Dock F Kirby 40 Tipper 10s 4d per day Kirby was applying the brake to a wagon when the lever flew up and struck his left hand against the framework of the truck Thumb and three fingers badley cut 28 June 1920 4 and a half weeks £7 17s 6d £7 17s 6d D
209 9809 453176 26 May 1920 No 2 Dock Wm Slee 19 Loco-fireman 10s 0d per day Whilst changing the lamps on a Locomotive Slee slipped off the footplate and fell to the ground striking his hand on the ragged edge of the metals Middle finger and palm of right hand badly cut 14 June 1920 2 and half weeks £4 7s 6d £4 7s 6d R
209 9810 453182 27 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Trehafod A G Reed 38 Steamraiser 10s 6d per day After preparing the fire on a Locomotive, Reed was descending from the cab when he slipped with the result that his left leg came in contact with the cage of the footplate. He resumed work on the 29 May Left knee bruised 29 May 1920 1 day R
209 9811 453186 28 May 1920 No 1 Dock C A Marsh 28 Tipper 10s 11d per day Whilst proceeding to the top house of No 3 moveable tip, Marsh slipped of a rung of the ladder, and afterwards complained of pain in the lower part of the abdomen Abdominal strain Did not leave work D
Last edit 2 months ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
210 9812 453195 30 May 1920 No [no number given] Locomotive Sheds Trehafod A Green 54 Underman 10s 2d per day Green was assisting to secure a rail when his left hand was caught between the metals and a chair Top of finger lacerated Did not leave work R
210 9813 453196 30 May 1920 Pontypridd Viaduct J Williams 28 Carpenter 14s 10d per day Williams was chipping a piece of timber when the adze which he was using came in contact with a knot in the wood and rebounded strkimg his left leg Wound on shin Did not leave work R
210 9814 453185 31 May 1920 No 1 Dock J Connelly 63 Mate of Tug 14s 1d per day Connelly, who had stooped to get under the tow rail of the tug "St Baruch" rose before he was clear with the result that he struck his head against the rail. Scalp wound Did not leave work D
210 9815 453191 2 June 1920 Trehafod South H Bishop 33 Shunter 10s 6d Bishop was in the act of alighting from a brakevan whilst the vehicle was in motion when he stumbled and slipped his left hip being struck by the step of the rail Bruised hip Did not leave work R
210 9816 463203 7 June 1920 No 2 Dock (South Side) H Raison 33 Shunter 11s 8d Applying the brake to a wagon, when the lever which was working stiffly suddenly loosened from the rack with the result that Raison's thumb was caught between it and the bed of the wagon Thumb right hand crushed Did not leave work R
210 9817 453210 7 June 1920 Barry Sidings G Gardener 34 Carpenter 14s 2d per day This man was in the act of lifting the end of a timber on a bridge crossing these sidings when the box which he was using slipped and fell on his left foot Large toe badly bruised Did not leave work R
210 9818 453209 7 June 1920 No 2 Dock W Botting 33 Labourer (S) 16s 0d per day Engaged loading bags of wheat into wagons from Granary "B" when the hand hook which he was using slipped from a bag when being dealt with and the point of the implement entered the side of his leg Punctured wound in left leg Did not leave work D
Last edit 3 months ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
211 9810 453215 8 June 1920 No 1 Dock A J Davies 34 Tipper 15s 9d per day Whilst engaged hooking on the point piece at No 19 tip Davies slipped and fell against the piece Bruising of left shoulder and right leg Did not leave work D
211 9820 453217 9 June 1920 Per[manent] Way Yard J Barnett 32 Underman 10s 6d per day Barnett was assisting to dismantle old sleepers when some dirt and rust flew off a chair and entered his left eye Eye slightly inflamed 30 June 1920 2 5/6 weeks £4 19s 2d £4 19s 2d R
211 9821 453218 8 June 1920 ?? St Andrews J Perkins 55 Underman 10s 2d per day He required to drive a key into a railway chair and was holding this key in his right hand when he missed striking it and the hammer which Perkins was using came in contact with his right hand Forefinger bruised and lacerated Did not leave work R
211 9822 453221 3 June 1920 Treforest station William Mc Carthy 54 Loco-driver 18s 0d per day In order that he could oil the cylinders in front of a Loco McCarthy raised the corer protecting these valves and so allowed a little steam which had accumulated there to escape and rise to his face. He did not report the matter until June 10th Face slightly scalded Did not leave work R
211 9823 453201 4 June 1920 High Level sidings R J Hawkins 18 Shunter 10s 8d per day Hawkins was crossing a siding in order to signal to his Driver when he slipped on a sleeper and fell, striking his knee against a rail. He was away from duty on the night of the 4th June only as the result of this mishap Bruised Knee 7th June 1920 1 day R
211 9824 453211 8 June 1920 Commercial Dry Dock J Hooper 49 Labourer (L) 9s 7d per day Whilst in the act of tipping coal from a skip which was suspended from a crane at the Commercial Dry Dock his foot was caught between the skip which swung round, and the wall of the bunker Bruising of right foot 5 July 1920 3 2/3 weeks £6 8s 4d £6 8s 4d D
211 9825 453214 8/9 June 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry C Tippett 35 Steamraiser 10s 2d per day Tippett reported on the 9th June that after attending to the fire of a Locomotive standing on no 3 road he was descending from the fotplate , when he missed the first step, his knee coming in contact with this step. gave up work 5:30pm, 9th June Bruising of right knee 28 June 1920 2 1/2 weeks £4 7s 6d £4 7s 6d R
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
212 9826 453217 9 June 1920 Per Way Yard J Barrett 32 Platelayer 10s 6d per day This man was assisting to dismantle sleepers which had been used and returned to the yard when some rust off a chair entered his left eye Eye slightly inflamed See No 9820 R
212 9827 453224 9 June 1920 Commercail Dry Dock W Chowings 21 Spare fireman 10s 7d per day Chowings was attending to the fire on No 83 boikler at Commercial Dry Dock when he slipped on a piece of coal striking his forehead against the fireing tool he was using Forehead slightly bruised Did not leave work D
212 9828 453213 10 June 1920 Locomotive Yard, Barry L Griffiths 28 Sandcarrier 10s 4d per day After filling the leading sandboxes of a Locomotive which was standing in the Coal Stage Siding, Griffiths states he was about to descend from the footplate when he slipped and fell, his body coming in contact with the post of a tin used for the reception of smokebox ashes Contusion of ribs on left side 19 July 1920 5 1/2 weeks £9 12s 6d £9 12s 6d R
212 9829 453232 11 June 1920 South Hydraulic Engine House A Western 21 Hydraulic Fireman 10s 6d Western was attending to the fires at the South Hydraulic Boiler House when some fire fell through an opening in his foot causing burns to two toes of his right foot Bruises on toes - wounds became septic 5 July 1920 3 1/6 weeks £5 10s 10d £5 10s 10d D
212 9830 453227 13 June 1920 Tully Hydraulic Engine House W Dempsey 27 Spare Hydraulic fireman 11s 11d per day After cleaning out the drain of Boiler No 16 Dempsey was replacing the plates in position when one of them fell back and struck the thumb of his right hand Thumb dislocated Did not leave work D
212 9831 453228 14 June 1920 No 1 Dock J Owen 53 Tipper 15s 8d per day Whilst moving some wagons of coal on No 11 side road by means of capstan the chain parted at the swivel flew back striking Owen on the right leg Right leg badly bruised Did not leave work D
212 9832 453231 14 June 1920 Cadoxton North A Williams 49 Snr Ganger 10s 6d per day Williams was carting a sleeper when it fell back against his right hand Thumb dislocated Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 111 in total