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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
203 9763 445564 19 April 1920 Fitting Shop, Barry W Y Jones 68 Fitter 14s 8d per day While working at the Hydraulic press taking the wheels off a crank axle, a piece of wood packing fell and struck Jones's left foot. Large toe bruised Did not leave work Did not leave work F
203 9764 445563 21 April 1920 No 2 Dock F Harnett 24 Labourer (S) 12s 5d per day Loading buffer coil springs on a bogey when one of them fell off and struck his left ankle. The accident occurred in the Transit Warehouse. He worked on, but was compelled to give up on April 22nd. Abrasion above ankle Commenced work with Messrs Spearman & Co on 23rd April 1920 D
203 9765 445562 21 April 1920 No 2 Dock J Jenkins 55 Pitwood Worker Tonnage A quantity of pitwood was being discharged from the s/s "Hendage" and Jenkins was in the act of connecting the hook on the sling chain with the hook of the crane, but before he could complete it he was drawn up by the crane with the hook between his legs. Lower part of abdomen bruised & thumb pinched Did not leave work Did not leave work D
203 9766 445575 22 April 1920 Cadoxton Sidings D J Edmunds 40 Loco-driver 15s per day When mounting the footplate of the Loco. on which he was engaged his right foot slipped and struck the footplate. Abrasion of shin Did not leave work Did not leave work R
203 9767 455573 23 April 1920 Erecting Shops, Barry S Farmer 19 Apprentice - Fitter 7s 7d per day Grinding a scraper on the emery wheel when the handle came off the scraper and his left hand came in contact with the emery wheel. Finger lacerated Did not leave work Did not leave work F
203 9768 445572 24 April 1920 Low Level D M Layer 34 Loco-driver 13s per day This man states that he was brushing the sand box of a locomotive when the cover of the box slipped and fell on his right foot. Bruising of large toe Did not leave work Did not leave work R
203 9769 445571 24 April 1920 Cadoxton Station R Bool 26 Porter 9s 6d per day When unloading parcels from a TV train his right leg slipped between the train and the platform. The train was stationary at the time. Severe bruising of leg Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 28th April - Resumed on 10th May 1920 - 13 weeks Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 28th April - Resumed on 10th May 1920 - 13 weeks 17s 6d 17s 6d R
Last edit 3 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
204 9770 445570 25 April 1920 Tynycaeau South W Edgar 45 Guard 11s 6d per day After releasing the hand brake of the van in which he was riding, Edgar states he was about to return inside the van when a sudden jerk of the train caused him to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Slight scalp wound Did not leave work Did not leave work R
204 9771 445574 26 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry R Kerslake 17 Loco-cleaner 5s 3d per day This youth was cleaning a Locomotive and when getting down from the footplate he slipped and fell to the ground. Left ankle sprained Did not leave work Did not leave work R
204 9772 445581 26 April 1920 No 3 Dock (Basin) F Eveleigh 21 Labourer (s) 13s 6d per day Assisting to load cement from a tilted wagon into the s/s "Devonia" when removing the sheet from the wagon the tilt fell and pinned him to the side of the wagon. Left arm bruised, and slight scalp wound. 28 April 1920 1 day D
204 9773 445588 28 April 1920 30 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry C Power 30 Loco-fireman 11s 6d per day While removing a piece of coal in the bunker of the Engine on which he was engaged another piece became dislodged and fell on his left hand. He was compelled to give up work on the 30th April in consequence. Small finger lacerated 5 May 1920 3 days R
204 9774 445587 29 April 1920 Goods Warehouse, Barry D Evans 38 Goods Porter 10s per day Evans required a cable from a wagon and when getting down from the Warehouse platform he slipped and fell, wrenching his ankle. Left ankle sprained 10 May 1920 1 1/3 weeks 11s 8d 11s 8d R
204 9775 445592 29 April 1920 Per Way Yard, Barry W Slee 32 Underman 10s 4d per day Discharging rails from a wagon when one of them slipped causing his left hand to strike another rail. Third finger bruised and slightly lacerated Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 2nd May - Resumed on 11th May 1920 away 1 1/6 weeks. Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 2nd May - Resumed on 11th May 1920 away 1 1/6 weeks. 5s 10d 5s 10d R
204 9776 445599 20 April 1920 Locomotive Shed, Trehafod G Williams 24 Loco. Fireman 11s per day On the 30th April this man reported that while he was filling the tank of a Locomotive his foot slipped causing his left leg to strike the edge of the footplate. Abrasion of left leg Did not leave work Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by SophieClarke
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
205 9777 445601 3 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry W Edwards 19 Loco-Fireman 9s 6d per day Edwards states that he was cleaning a broken weather glass on Loco. No. 46 when he knocked his thumb against the broken glass. Thumb of right hand cut. 17 May 1920 1 5/6 weeks £1 9s 2d £1 9s 2d R
205 9778 445595 4 May 1920 Barry Docks Station J A Wilks 38 Parcel Porter 10s 4d per day Removing a heavy casting in a cast from the weighing machine to a hand truck when it fell and the forefinger of his left hand was caught between the case and the truck. Flesh wound on left hand Did not leave work Did not leave work R
205 9779 4455606 4 May 1920 Cadoxton Sidings F Moore 49 Underman 10s 4d per day He was excavating stone with the use of a bar when another piece of a stone above became dislodged and rolled on to his right ankle. Bruising of ankle 7 May 1920 2 days R
205 9780 445609 7 April 1920 Spring Shops, Barry F Newbould 35 Striker 11s 10d per day The spring maker was cutting a bar of spring steel with a shears when the end of the bar flew from the shears and struck Newbould, who was assisting him, on the right leg. Abrasion of right shin Did not leave work Did not leave work F
205 9781 445612 7 April 1920 Penrhos W Hopkins 29 Loco-fireman 11s 6d per day In taking the water column bag out of the tank of a Loco. after taking water, he states that he fell over a rail into the pit. Right shoulders wrenched. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
205 9782 445611 7 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry F Crew 18 Fitter's - apprentice 7s 11d per day While chipping the side rod brasses of a Loco. a piece of the brass entered his right eye. Right eye inflamed Did not leave work Did not leave work R
205 9783 445614 10 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry J Alexander 22 Steam-raiser 10s 4d per day As he was placing a large piece of coal the fourth finger of his left hand was caught between the coal & the ring of the firehole. Finger bruised and lacerated Did not leave work Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by SophieClarke
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
206 9784 445615 11 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry O W Edwards 22 Loco-fireman 10s per day After preparing the Locomotive on which he was working, he went to the Stores for a lamp and on coming out of the door he stumbled and fell Finger lacerated Did not leave work R
206 9785 445624 11 May 1920 No 1 Dock C Baker 31 Tipper 15s 9d per day Turning an empty wagon on the turntable of Nr 18 tip when a full wagon which had been turned dropped back and pinned his right hand between the buffers of the two wagons Bruising of right hand Did not leave work D
206 9786 445625 6 May 1920 Locomotive Shed Stores, Barry A J Andrews 45 Storesman (L) 10s 4d per day This man was in the act of lifting a lamp on to a table when the inner part of the lamp came out of the shell and his hand struck the corner of the table which was ragged Finger Lacerated Did not leave work R
206 9787 445628 7 May 1920 Eneurglyn Goods Yard E G Aeden ? 15 Underman 6s 5d per day He was walking along the line when he slipped on a sleeper and fell striking his left arm against a metal Left arm twisted Did not leave work R
206 9788 445629 7 May 1920 near Rhoose Station H Harris 39 Underman 13s 2d per day Whilst assisting to lift a crossing [?] his left hand was caught between it and a rail Left hand bruised and two fingers lacerated Did not leave work R
206 9789 453,??? 7 May 1920 Locomotive Shed, Barry E F Alford 28 Engine fire-remover 10s 6d per day Alford alleges that he was in a kneeling position in order to remove the brick arch in a Loco when he struck his knee against a hot firebox which was lying across the footplate, but the circumstances were not reported until the 17th May Right knee burnt Did not leave work R
206 9790 445627 8 May 1920 Cwm Signal Cabin A Green 54 Underman 13s 2d Whilst assisting to erect wire fencing Green slipped and fell, his left eyebrow striking the stump of a tree Eyebrow slightly cut Did not leave work R
Last edit 3 months ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
207 9791 453148 8 May 1920 Per[manent] Way Yard, Barry C Dodd 42 Ganger 15s 0d per day Dodd was chipping a sleeper by means of an adze where the implement glanced off the bunker and struck his left leg Left leg slightly cut Did not leave work R
207 9792 453130 10 May 1920 General offices D Thomas 51 Carpenter 14s 8d per day Thomas was engaged with others removing a desk to a room in the General Offices when the back of his right hand came in contact with a radiator Right hand bruised Did not leave work R
207 9793 445626 13 May 1920 General offices T Walters 16 Messenger 4s 6d per day Walters, together with another messenger, was seated on the grass slope nerar the eastern door of the General Offices during his dinner hour and as he was about to rise he slipped and fell over the wall a distance of about ten feet, alighting on an iron sheet over the heating apparatus alongside the wall Nose broken Liability not admitted R
207 9794 453131 13 May 1920 No 2 Dock D G Evans 43 Pitwood Pkr [Packer] Tonnage Whilst a crane was hauling a sling of pitwood between a ladder and a stanchion in the No 2 hold of the S/S "Brarou"[?] one of the timbers broke in two and one piece flew across the hold striking Evans on the right thigh Right thigh bruised Did not leave work D
207 9795 453133 14 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry J Rees 41 Yard Labourer (L) 10s 9d per day Whilst engaged with other men in discharging bars of iron from a truck a heavy bar slipped and alighted on the end of a small bar in the bottom of the truck which caused the other end to fly up and struck Rees on the head. Slight concussion 17th May 1 day R
207 9796 463132 14 May 1920 No 2 Dock W L Jones 41 [?] Packer 12s 0d per day Jones was oiling the slewing chains and rams on one of the Hydraulic ballast cranes when he slipped and fell forward, his head passing between two stages. He was unable to withdraw his head and the tower of the crane turning at the time his neck was slightly squeezed Right side of neck bruised 14 June 1920 4 1/6 weeks £7 5s 10d £7 5s 10d D
207 9797 453156 17 May 1920 Locomotives Shops, Barry F Fowler 21 Fitter 12s 6d per day Fowler was engaged dripping an axle box when a piece of dripping struck his left eye Left eye inflamed Did not leave work R
Last edit 2 months ago by Tim Lidbetter
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 111 in total