


Page Status Transcribed


Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
293 1/385 474887 24 July 1921 Near Wenvoe J Harding 22 Shunter 10s 8d per day Applying the brake to a wagon in a train of coal when the lever " kicked " and caused two of the fingers of his right hand to be squeezed. Bruising of fingers Did not leave work 8 1/2 weeks £14 17s 6d £14 17s 6d R
292 1/386 474892 23 July 1921 Penrhos W Pickering 33 Locomotive Fireman 12s od per day This man states that while breaking up a clinker with a chisel bar on a Loco. he strained himself. He was operated on for a double rupture some months previously. Alleged strain causing rupture Did not leave work. Compelled to give up on15th February 1922 and resumed on 18th April 1922 R
293 1/387 474896 22 July 1921 No 2 Dock E Hopkins 49 Tipper Not stated A wagon of small coal was being tipped at No 26 tip when the side door opened and falling, struck Hopkins on the hand. Bruise on hand Did not leave work D
293 1/388 474895 24 July 1921 Near Walnut Tree S. Cabin H Mullins 53 Underman 10 0d per day He was assisting to load a rail, when
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