Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
288 | 1/352 | 471331 | 27 June 1921 | No 2 Dock | W F | Gay | 30 | Prop Carrier | Tonnage | Engaged discharging pitwood from wagon when Gay states that while opening the door of one of the trucks a piece of pitwood fell out, striking his left arm. | Bruising of arm | 4 July 1921 | 5 days | D | ||
288 | 1/353 | 471334 | 28 June 1921 | Near Pentarch | G M | Chamberlain | 27 | Underman | 11 s7d per day | Chamberlain reports that he sustained a cut on the index finger of his right hand whilst engaged in sharpening a scythe with a whet-stone. | Finger cut | Did not leave work | F | |||
288 | 1/354 | 371336 | 30 June 1921 | Near Ewenny. Vale of Glamorgan | E E K | Clinch | 21 | Underman | 11s 5d per day | Clinch was engaged trimming the border at this place when a twig sprung up and came in contact with his right eye. | Slight wound on face of eye | 19 December 1921 | 24 1/3 weeks. Given light work as Fence Painter on 27 May 1922 and paid compensation at half difference of rate of Underman and that of Fence Painter. | £42 11s 8d | £42 11 8d. Rate to 31 March 1922 13s. From 1 April 1922 12s 9d. | R |
288 | 1/355 | 471341 | 1 July 1921 | Exchange Sidings Cadoxton | A J | Vincent | 26 | Labourer (E.L.) | 10s 4d per day | Vincent was descending from the platform of an arc-lamp pole at these sidings, when he slipped and injured the shin of his right leg . | Bruising of shin | 5 July 1921 | 2 days | R | ||
288 | 1/356 | 471344 | 4 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | J | Blainey | 42 | Pitwood Worker | Tonnage | Engaged making a sling of pitwood in the hold of the S/S " Marion Merrett " when one of the pieces of wood rolled down and struck his right hand. | Index finger bruised | D | ||||
288 | 1/357 | 471348 | 6 July 1921 | Carriage Sheds barry | W | Williams | 42 | Train-lighting Examiner | 11s 8d per day | Williams was making an examination of a dynamo, which he had propped up in order to run the machine as a motor when the prop slipped and the machine fell forward, striking his right hand. | Thumb cut and bruised | 2 August 1921 but certified fit on 1 August. | 3 1/2 weeks | £6 2s 6d | £6 2s 6d | R |
288 | 1/358 | 471350 | 6 July 1921 | Locomotive Yard Barry | E C | Clarke | 25 | Sandcarrier | 12s 3d per day | He had carried a bucket of sand from the sand furnace to a Locomotive in the Yard and in stepping on to the footboard in the Engine gangway the board tilted, with the result that he fell against the reversing lever bracket. | Bruised right leg | Did not leave work | R |
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
289 | 1/359 | 471349 | 7 July 1921 | Commercial Dry Dock | S | Foster | 29 | Spare Fireman | 11s 9d per day | This man states he was in the act of starting the air Compressor and was pulling the fly-wheel when his right hand was caught between the side rod and wheel | Back of hand bruised | Did not leave work | R | |||
289 | 1/360 | 4711354 | 9 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | J | Dally | 46 | Tipper | 18s 4d per day | This man whilst assisting to move No 3 Movable Tip when the spanner which he was using to screw up connections slipped and his left hand came in contact with the stand pipe | Second finger slightly crushed | Did not leave work | D | |||
289 | 1/361 | 471353 | 11 July 1921 | Near Barry Dock Station | J | Hawkins | 71 | Underman | 10s 7d per day | Whilst engaged in oiling a pair of points Hawkins slipped on the toe plate and fell across the rails | Strained and bruised right shoulder | 8 August 1921 | 3 5/6 weeks | £6 14s 2d | £6 14s 2d | R |
289 | 1/362 | 471358 | 11 July 1921 | Rhoose Station | J | Davey | 16 | Apprentice Painter | 4s 4d per day | Davey was engaged in painting point and signal rodding and on the approach of a train he struck his knee against the edge of the coping when climbing onto the platform | Left hand bruised | Did not leave work | R | |||
289 | 1/363 | 471362 | 11 July 1921 | No 3 Dock (Basin) | W | Phillips | 58 | Pitwood Worker | Tonnage | Engaged discharging coal from SS Lexa Maersk and when tipping a tub of coal into wagon, the small finger of his right hand was caught between the handle and catch of the tub | Finger slightly crushed | Did not leave work | D | |||
289 | 1/364 | 471361 | 11 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | E | Watkin | 64 | Tipper | 18s 4d per day | In the act of hooking the crane chain to the point piece of No 27 tip when the crane moved and caused the chain to swing with the result that Watkin was struck on the he4 | Bruised head | Did not leave work | D | |||
289 | 1/365 | 471357 | 12 July 1921 | No 1 Dock | J | Williams | 21 | Labourer | 11s 11d per day | When loading tools on to a lorry on the South side of the mole, Williams states he was swinging an adze which came in contact with his left foot | incised wound on heal | 8 August 1921 | 3 Weeks | £5 5s 0d | £5 5s 0d | R |
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
290 | 1/366 | 471372 | 12 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | T H | Nicholls | 55 | Labourer (S) | Tonnage | Nicholls was engaged in discharging coal from S/S Anacortes and whilst pushing a tub into position on board the steamer he states that he wrenched his back, but no report was made of this until July 15th. | Strained back | 18 July 1921 | 4 days | F | ||
290 | 1/367 | 471356 | 12 July 1921 | Rhoose Station | T | Jones | 59 | Carpenter | 14s 3d per day | This man was sawing a piece of timber when it slipped off the sawing stool and fell upon his left foot. | Bruised foot | 14 july 1921 | 1 day | F | ||
290 | 1/368 | 471355 | 12 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | H | Hicks | 55 | Ganger | 12s 8d per day | While assisting to extinguish a fire among some pit-props stored near the Transit Shed Hicks was overcome by the fire and smoke and had to be conveyed home. | Temporary exhaustion | 15 July 1921 | 2 days | R | ||
290 | 1/369 | 471368 | 13 July 1921 | Hydraulic Engine House Sully | W C | Price | 18 | Hydraulic Trimmer | 11s 10d per day | This youth was attempting to fix a gauge glass in the Water Tank in Boiler House when the glass broke. This was in no way connected with his work. | Cut on back of right hand | 18 July 1921 | 3 days | D | ||
290 | 1/370 | 471360 | 14 July 1921 | Locomotive Sheds Barry | E | Worthing | 43 | Locomotive Driver | 16s 4d per day | Whilst Worthing was oiling underneath the Loco, the fireman was placing a screw coupling on. This, on being released, caught the long coupling which struck Worthing as he was coming from underneath. | Bruise between shoulders | Did not leave work | R | |||
290 | 1/371 | 471370 | 15 July 1921 | Locomotive Sheds Barry | R | Marsh | 27 | Locomotive Fireman | 11s 10d per day | Engaged in supplying water to a Loco when the lid of the tank fell back on his hand. | Bruised fingernail. | Did not leave work | R | |||
290 | 1/372 | 471373 | 15 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | R | Shires | 22 | Labourer (S) | Tonnage | Discharging coal from S/S " Anacortes " and landing an empty tub in the hold, the small finger of his left hand was caught between the handle and catch of the tub. | Bruised finger | 18 July 1921 | 1 day | D |
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
291 | 1/373 | 474883 | 16 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | W | Stickler | 31 | Labourer (S) | 16s 0d per day | Stickler was engaged stowing barrels of wine in the hold of S/S "Fairhead" and while in the act of placing one of the barrels in position he wrenched his back. | Strained back | Certified fit 25 July 1921 | 1 week | D | ||
291 | 1/374 | 471371 | 16 july 1921 | Erecting Shop Barry | H T G | Dally | 18 | Apprentice Fitter | 7s 7d per day | Engaged in filing up a bolt when the handle 0f the filw came off. The pressure of the left hand on the end of the file caused it to tilt up and the shank end pierced his cheek. | Wound on side of face | Did not leave work | F | |||
291 | 1/375 | 471376 | 16 July 1921 | No 1 Dock | E | Ware | 21 | Hydraulic Packer | 12s 10d per day | In passing over the haulage wire, whilst assisting to fit travelling wheels of No 3 Moveable Tip in position, Ware struck his right hand against the wire rope and one of the loose ends pierced his knuckle. | Wound in finger knuckle | Did not leave work | D | |||
291 | 1/376 | 471374 | 18 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | A | Coram | 53 | Pitwood Worker | Tonnage | Coram was engaged in discharging coal from S/S " Kalypso Vergotte " and whilst pushing a tub into the wing to be filled he wrenched his back. | Strained back | 3 August 1921 | 2 weeks | £3 10s 0d | £3 10s 0d | D |
291 | 1/377 | 474885 | 18 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | J | Hill | 46 | Pitwood Worker | Tonnage | Hill was making a sling of pitwood on the deck of S/S " Sybil " when he slipped and fell on his left arm. | Sprained wrist | 5 September 1921 | 6 5/6 weeks | £11 19s 2d | £11 19s 2d | D |
291 | 1/378 | 471379 | 19 july 1921 | Barry Island | S | Hollinshead | 21 | Lineman | 12s 11d per day | He was engaged in making off telephone wire from a pole on the Com[any's premises near Olive Road, and after cutting the wire the end sprung and pierced his hand. | Wound in right hand | Did not leave work | R |
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
292 | 1/379 | 474884 | 10 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | W | Bryant | 34 | Labourer (S) | Tonnage | This man was engaged in discharging coal from S/S " Anacortes " when some blisters which had formed on the palm of his hand broke and foreign matter entered the wounds. | Swollen hand | Did not leave work | D | |||
292 | 1/380 | 474881 | 20 July 1921 | High Level Sidings No 2 Dock | A E | Hodges | 42 | Locomotive Driver | 16s 4d per day | Hodges was reversing the lever on the Loco , of which he was in charge, when the lever slipped and one of the fingers of his left hand was caught between it and drop bolt. | Bruised finger | Did not leave work | R | |||
292 | 1/381 | 474882 | 21 July 1921 | Cadoxton Goods Warehouse | E | Bool | 27 | Goods Porter | 10s 7d per day | Bool was levering a wagon into Shed when the pinch bar slipped from under the wheel causing him to fall and his finger was caught between rail and bar. | Lacerated finger | Did not leave work | R | |||
292 | 1/382 | 474890 | 21 July 1921 | No 2 Dock | J | Palmer | 46 | Labourer (S) | Tonnage | Loading pitwood from Stock into wagons, he had placed some pieces in an upright position and was picking up a prop from the floor of a truck when one of the uprights fell on to the back of his hand. | Left hand cut and bruised. | 1921/1922 - £40 16s 8d | D | |||
292 | 1/383 | 474888 | 22 July 1921 | Per. Way Yard barry | H J | Marshman | 31 | Underman | 10s 7d per day | He required to remove a fang-bolt shoe off a sleeper and while striking the shoe fled and came in contact with the shin of his right leg. | Bruising of right leg | 23 July 1921 | Part of a day only | R | ||
292 | 1/384 | 474889 | 22 July 1921 | No 1 Dock | J M | Dykes | 67 | Tipper | 18s 4d per day | Assisting to couple up the connections after having moved No 4 Transverser Tip. He had his left hand on top of the stand pipe when the pressure pipe came against it and caught one of his fingers. | Second finger crushed | 22 August 1921 | 4 1/6 weeks | £7 5s 10d | £7 5s 10d | D |