


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
288 1/352 471331 27 June 1921 No 2 Dock W F Gay 30 Prop Carrier Tonnage Engaged discharging pitwood from wagon when Gay states that while opening the door of one of the trucks a piece of pitwood fell out, striking his left arm. Bruising of arm 4 July 1921 5 days D
288 1/353 471334 28 June 1921 Near Pentarch G M Chamberlain 27 Underman 11 s7d per day Chamberlain reports that he sustained a cut on the index finger of his right hand whilst engaged in sharpening a scythe with a whet-stone. Finger cut Did not leave work F
288 1/354 371336 30 June 1921 Near Ewenny. Vale of Glamorgan E E K Clinch 21 Underman 11s 5d per day Clinch was engaged trimming the border at this place when a twig sprung up and came in contact with his right eye. Slight wound on face of eye 19 December 1921 24 1/3 weeks. Given light work as Fence Painter on 27 May 1922 and paid compensation at half difference of rate of Underman and that of Fence Painter. £42 11s 8d £42 11 8d. Rate to 31 March 1922 13s. From 1 April 1922 12s 9d. R
288 1/355 471341 1 July 1921 Exchange Sidings Cadoxton A J Vincent 26 Labourer (E.L.) 10s 4d per day Vincent was descending from the platform of an arc-lamp pole at these sidings, when he slipped and injured the shin of his right leg . Bruising of shin 5 July 1921 2 days R
288 1/356 471344 4 July 1921 No 2 Dock J Blainey 42 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Engaged making a sling of pitwood in the hold of the S/S " Marion Merrett " when one of the pieces of wood rolled down and struck his right hand. Index finger bruised D
288 1/357 471348 6 July 1921 Carriage Sheds barry W Williams 42 Train-lighting Examiner 11s 8d per day Williams was making an examination of a dynamo, which he had propped up in order to run the machine as a motor when the prop slipped and the machine fell forward, striking his right hand. Thumb cut and bruised 2 August 1921 but certified fit on 1 August. 3 1/2 weeks £6 2s 6d £6 2s 6d R
288 1/358 471350 6 July 1921 Locomotive Yard Barry E C Clarke 25 Sandcarrier 12s 3d per day He had carried a bucket of sand from the sand furnace to a Locomotive in the Yard and in stepping on to the footboard in the Engine gangway the board tilted, with the result that he fell against the reversing lever bracket. Bruised right leg Did not leave work R

Notes and Questions

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Scrumpy Geoff

Why has this page been marked as complete?


Line 2 word illegible in cause of accident, some kind of implement.

Scrumpy Geoff

Thanks. All yours. I have to disappear for a while


Line 3 compensation details need looking at. Done the best I can.


Line 3 also has illegible word in cause of injury.

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 2, scythe?

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 3, 27 June? And paid not rate?

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 3 cause. Border????


Definitely scythe Row 2. Row 3 border makes sense. I'm thinking 27 May ? counting up weeks but not sure if rate should be paid.

Scrumpy Geoff

Sounds good, go with all your thoughts. See you in the other set!

Scrumpy Geoff

Agree about rate. Date still looks more like a 6 than 5. Your call


I'm sticking with 27 May - amended accordingly.