


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
287 1/345 471316 1 June 1921 Locomotive Sheds Barry A G Thyer 43 Engine Examiner 15s 2d per day Thyer states that whilst examining a Loco on the long pit, he placed his hand on the buffer in order to enter the pit and in doing so slipped, striking his elbow against the rail. Elbow bruised Did not leave work R
287 1/346 471320 19 June 1921 North Hydaulic Engine House A Griffiths 16 Hydraulic Cleaner 5s 4d per day This youth states he was removing a spanner off one of the engines for cleaning purposes when it slipped and fell on his right foot. Bruised large toe Did not leave work R
287 1/347 471321 21 June 1921 Tonteg Junction J Wren 41 Ganger 12s 4d per day Whilst cutting grass with a reaping hook near the signal cabin at this point the implement glanced off a signal wire and struck his right leg. Slight cut above ankle Did not leave work R
287 1/348 471322 21 June 1921 Western Breakwater G Clissold 31 Carpenter (E) 13s 11d per day He was about to lower some staging at the West Dolphin when it slipped and fell upon the large toe of his left foot. Toe bruised 7 July 1921 2 1/6 weeks £3 15s 10d £3 15s 10d F
287 1/349 471327 21 June 1921 Near Treforest A Went 47 Carpenter 13s 11d per day Went reports that he was fixing a dead board from on a wall which divides the Company's boundary from some private properties when the wall gave way and he fell to the ground. Back bruised Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on July 9th. Resumed on July 25th. Away 2 weeks. £3 10s 0d £3 10s 0d R
287 1/350 471326 23 June 1921 Carriage Sheds Barry A J Trigg 20 Shunter 13s 3d per day At work cleaning the upper part of a coach when Trigg states he slipped off a plank and fell backwards on to one of the metals Back slightly bruised Did not leave work R
287 1/351 471333 27 june 1921 Near Pontypridd Station T John 59 Underman 11s 8d per day This man was engaged sharpening a reaping hook with a whet-stone, when he states he cut the thumb of his right hand. Thumb cut Did not leave work R

Notes and Questions

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Line 2 is the word " spanner " ?

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 1, I think the person may be Thyer

Scrumpy Geoff

Spanner doesn't feel right


Thyer is correct, I checked on ancestry site.


Leave spanner for now, it may become clear.

Scrumpy Geoff

Agreed, but we are getting close to best guess time for all review pages. Your help is much needed


I'll crack on over the weekend, I'm working today.

Scrumpy Geoff

That's great, thanks


Spanner still looks best guess.

Scrumpy Geoff
