


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
270 1/228 467300 19 February 1921 Smith's Shops Barry E R Purnell 18 Labourer (L) 12s 5d per day Assisting a coppersmith to place a pipe in position on the forge for brazing when the pipe slipped and came in contact with Purnell's arm. Elbow slightly burned Did not leave work F
270 1/229 467304 19 February 1921 No 2 Dock J Grimmett 52 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Discharging pitwood in the S/S "Acorn" and when attempting to lift a heavy piece of wood he alleges that he experienced a severe pain in his left side. Matter not reported until 22 February. Sprained side Did not leave work D
270 1/230 467295 16 February 1921 No 2 Dock Jetty Sidings G Lloyd 23 Labourer (E) 14s 6d per day When engaged in cutting a nut off a fish-bolt with a hammer and chisel Lloyd missed striking the chisel and the hammer came in contact with his left hand. Bruised Hand Did not leave work R
270 1/231 467301 21 February 1921 Locomotive Sheds Barry G H Swannick 30 Steamriser 12s 6d per day This man was preparing the fire of a Locomotive and when so engaged he slipped and in endeavouring to avoid a fall his right hand came in contact with the firebox. Bruised hand Did not leave work R
270 1/232 467302 21 February 1921 Locomotive Sheds Barry R Ball 23 Loco Fireman 11s 11d per day Ball was alighting from the footplate of the Locomotive on which he was engaged when he slipped and twisted his right ankle. Ankle sprained Did not leave work R
270 1/233 467303 21 February 1921 Cadoxton Station E Wood 17 Porter 6s 10d per day When crossing the lines from No 1 to No 2 Platform Wood's foot caught in a rail causing him to fall, his head coming in contact with a block of wood used as a footstep to mount the platform. Wound on forehead Did not leave work R
270 1.234 467309 24 February 1921 Eastern breakwater Head J Coles 56 Carpenter (E) 14s 11d per day This man was assisting to remove the iron bands off the fenders and on releasing the bolts the band sprang out striking Coles and causing him to fall from the staging , on which he was standing, into the sea. Severe shock 14 March 1921 2 1/3 weeks £4 1s 8d £4 1s 8d D

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Scrumpy Geoff



Still not sure - maybe best guess.