


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
266 1/200 467289 1 February 1921 No 1 Dock G F Bennett 28 Police Constable 13s per day When on duty near Commercial Dry Dock Bennett saw some boys stealing coal from a wagon and when hurrying towards them he stumbled against a rail and afterwards fell to the ground. Bruising of right knee Did not leave work D
266 1/201 467241 1 February 1921 No 2 Dock D G Evans 44 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Evans had completed his turn of duty and was walking across the hold of the S/S Bravore in order to come up the ladder when he slipped and wrenched his left ankle. Spained ankle Certified fit 2 March 1921 4 weeks £7 £7 D
266 1/202 467242 1 February 1921 No 2 Dock B Parry 19 Cranedriver 14s 2d per day After having drawn a wagon into berth by means of capstan Parry stumbled and fell on his stomach across the rails. Bruising of abdomen Certified fit 21 February 1921 2 2/5 weeks £4 13s 4d £4 13s 4d D
266 1/203 467237 2 February 1921 Locomotive Yard Barry C Flynn 28 Coaler 13s 4d per day Flynn was engaged in coaling a Locomotive at the Coal Stage when a lump of coal fell from the ship on to his right foot. bruised instep Did not leave work R
266 1/204 467234 2 and 4 February 1921 Aberthaw Station E Jenkins 16 Lamp Porter 5s 8d per day Some covered vans were about to be berthed in a private Siding for loading purposes and Jenkins was assisting to ascertain whether the vehicles were empty when the drop door of one of these vans fell on his left foot. Gave up work on 4th February. Severe bruising of foot 22 March 1921 6 1/2 weeks £9 2s £9 2s R
266 1/205 467245 2 February 1921 Commercial Dry Dock Engine House J Hope 53 Hydraulic Driver 15s 4d per day This man had mounted a ladder in order to tighten up the sluice gland of No 2 Engine when the ladder canted causing Hope to fall in to the flange of engine. Back bruised Did not leave work D
266 1/206 467247 3 February 1921 Locomotive Sheds Trehafod A E Winter 35 Tubepicker 12s 1d per day In connection with the cleaning of the tubes of a Locomotive Winter was walking along the footplate when he slipped and fell on to the brick work of No 2 drop pit. Bruising of left thigh and shoulder Did not leave work R

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