


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
263 1/179 467204 9 December 1920 and 24 January 1921 Per Way Yard Barry J B White 72 Labourer (E) 12s per day This man alleges that in removing firewood off a scales in the second-hand yard a piece of wood fell off struck the shin of his leg. He states he was off duty on the 13 December and 23 January in consequence but no report was made until he returned to work on the 25 January. Slight wound in left leg followed by septic poisoning. 25 January 1921 Doctor states White is suffering from varicose eczema and engorgement R
263 1/180 467203 9 January and 25 January 1921 North Hydraulic Engine House J Evans 23 Hydraulic Fireman 14s 8d per day Engaged lighting up one of the Boilers when he alleges that his right hand came in contact with a heated fire-iron. The matter was considered trivial and was not reported by Evans until 25 January on which date he was compelled to give up work. Slight burn on hand followed by septic poisoning 31 January 1921 4 days D
263 1/181 467191 21 January 1921 South Hydraulic Engine House S Foster 29 Hydraulic Fireman 12s 4d per day He was assisting to cut some timber in order to pack a new boiler which was being placed in position when one of the pieces of wood turned over on to the third finger of his left hand. Finger cut and bruised 10 February 1921 2 2/3 weeks £4 13s 4d £4 13s 4d D
263 1/182 467206 21 January 1921 Fitting Shops Barry J Trought 43 Gantryman 12s 3d per day When wheeling a barrow over a plank across the Hydraulic press pit Trought alleges that he slipped and fell striking his right leg against the plank, but the matter was not reported until January 26th. Abrasion on shin Did not leave work F
263 1/183 467262 23 January 1921 Boiler Shop Barry S Whittington 25 Holder Up 15s 10d per day Whittington had been at work on the staging in the shop and while in the act of descending therefrom he wrenched his left ankle. Sprained ankle Did not leave work F
263 1/184 467194 24 January 1921 Cadoxton Station A C Lewis 20 Porter 11s 2d per day This youth was conveying a trolley loaded with milk-cans and parcels from the No 1 to No 4 platform and while descending the platform slope he slipped and fell, his neck coming in contact with the trolley handle. Bruising of neck Did not leave work R
263 1/185 467208 24 January 1921 No 1 Dock W Pateman 56 Tipper 16s 11d per day When crossing No 4 tip pit road with a capstan rope which Pateman required to attach to the turntable he slipped on the planking between the rails and fell awkwardly on his left leg. Fracture of fibula above ankle joint 23 May 1921 16 5/6 weeks £29 9s 2d £29 9s 2d D

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Scrumpy Geoff

It really helps if you can leave a note about which rows need review. Thanks


Okay will do .


Line 7 needs review

Scrumpy Geoff

tip pit???


Best guess tip pit - edited accordingly.

Scrumpy Geoff
