


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
262 1/172 467182 20 January 1921 Telephone Shed Barry Station J Pierce 23 Telephone Worker 5s per day During the dinner hour this man was making use of some petrol to light a fire on the stove when the whole of the petrol caught fire, the flames coming in contact with his face. Burns on right side of face &c 24 January 1921 2 days R
262 1/173 467160 14 and 15 January 1921 Trehafod Junction Yard A C Parker 23 Shunter 13s 4d per day After he had disposed of a train of coal which had been brought into the yard Parker was crossing the line when he slipped and wrenched his ankle. Gave up work after completion of duties on Saturday 15 January 1921 Left ankle sprained 20 January 1921 3 days R
262 1/174 467196 20 January 1921 No 2 Dock C Mayberry 47 Labourer (S) Tonnage Engaged carrying pitwood from wagon to pile when a piece of wood fell off the vehicle and struckMayberry on the left leg. Ankle cut and bruised 21 March 1921 8 1/3 weeks £14 11s 8d £14 11s 8d D
262 1/175 467195 20 January 1921 No 2 Dock Sidings M Rhattigan 48 Labourer (S) Tonnage Rhattigan was at work in connection with the discharge of pitwood from wagons to pile and when lowering the door of a loaded truck the piece of wood used as an upright fellaway and some of the wood rolled down on him Ankles fractured and shoulders bruised 23 May 1921 17 1/2 weeks £30 6s 8d £30 6s 8d D
262 1/176 467189 20 January 1921 Locomotive Sheds, trehafod T R Lewis 22 Loco-Fireman 13s 2d per day Lewis was walking 0n the top of some ashes which had been removed from an Engine pit when he slipped and fell into this pit, striking his right leg against a rail and his left wrist on a piece of clinker. Abrasion on shin and wrist cut Did not leave work R
262 1/177 467184 20 January 1921 Locomotive Sheds Barry F C Milner 33 Fitter 16s 8d per day This man was removing the ejector steam cone on a Locomotive when a Small quantity of steam escaped through the ejector steam valve passing over Milner's right arm. Scalded arm Did not leave work F
262 1/178 467195 21 January 1921 Ewenny Quarry VGR G Wagstaff 52 Asst Per Way Inspector 18s 1d per day While assisting to unload some Permanent Way material from a [railrack?] a [steel?] Rail slipped and fell on to Wagstaff's left foot. Bruised toe and instep On Supervisory list stages paid for a month having no compensation paid. 3 1/6 weeks R

Notes and Questions

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Scrumpy Geoff

"a pit and a shed"?

Scrumpy Geoff

No it must be a type of rail

Scrumpy Geoff

from a cart and a ? rail slipped????


Looked at this again, still no idea.

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 1 nature is "&c"

Scrumpy Geoff

[illegible] is is then


Row 1 : nature is "&c" in my humble opinion.

Scrumpy Geoff


Scrumpy Geoff

Thanks Mary, Chris, Pedroc and everyone. I think this is the best we can do