


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
259 1/151 467156 12 January 1921 No 1 Dock W Tipples 56 Tipper 16s 11d per day He required to use the crane attached to No 5 tip and proceeded to release the chain hook from tip girder. The topman thinking all was clear set the chain in motion with the result that it struck Tipples Bruised face and left arm Did not leave work D
259 1/152 467143 13 January 1921 Gwenllian Street Cadexton W J Pugsley 31 Painter 13s 11d per day When painting one of the Company's houses the ladder on which Pugsley was standing slipped and fell his legs coming in contact with a bucket which was beneath the ladder Abrasions both shins Did not leave work R
259 1/153 467146 13 January 1921 locomotive Sheds Barry D N Williams 21 Timekeeper 10s 8d per day Williams required a bucket of hot water and was climbing on the Locomotive to obtain this when he struck his knee against the edge of the footplate Right knee cap bruised Did not leave work R
259 1/154 467155 13 January 1921 No 2 Dock J Pratt 62 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Engaged discharging pitwood in the S/S " Karma " and when in the act of pulling the crane chain to secure it to a sling of pitwood he slipped. Right ankle sprained 17 January 1921 2 days D
259 1/155 467144 14 Janaury 1921 Riverside Station D W Miles 38 Guard 13s 8d per day Miles was assisting to load milk churns into a Guard's Van when one of the churns slipped and fell onto his foot. Right foot sprained Did not leave work R
259 1/156 467169 14 & 16 January 1921 Locomotive Sheds Trehafod J V Woods 17 Loco-Cleaner 5s 10d per day This youth was engaging the right hand radial wheel of a locomotive when his right hand came in contact with a piece of the wheel tyre which was broken. Gave up work on 16 January 1921. Slight wound in second finger 17 January 1921 1 day R
259 1/157 467179 14 January 1921 No 2 Dock C Moseley 33 Pitwood Worker Tonnage At work discharging pitwood on the S/S " Marin " and while preparing a sling in the hold of the vessel one of the pieces rolled down and struck his foot. Left foot bruised Did not leave work D

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Scrumpy Geoff

Can't find anything yet

Scrumpy Geoff



I've edited as Karma - it looks like that.

Scrumpy Geoff
