


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
245 1/54 462425 25 October 1925 Fitting Shop, Barry D J Ackland 31 Labourer (L) 11s 8d per day He was assisting to remove a valve box for No.1 Roller bridge from the Brass Shop to the Fitting Shop wherein his efforts to lift the box clear of the steps he wrenched his wrist. Right wrist sprained Did not leave work F
245 1/55 462426 25 October 1920 No 2 Dock G Millard 48 Gateman (Dock) 14s per day Millard was leaving duty and in walking along the South side of the Dock his foot caught in the port bow rope of a Steamer causing him to fall. In falling he struck his left hand on one of the crane rails. Back of hand cut and bruised. Did not leave work D
245 1/56 462427 26 October 1920 No 1 Dock W J Hunt 26 Underman 12s 3d per day Assisting to remove a rail on No 5 tip road when the rough edge of the metal came in contact with and lacerated the third finger of his left hand. Finger slightly cut. 29 October 1920 2 days R
245 1/57 462431 26 October 1920 Near Energlyn G W Harris 48 Underman 11s 11d per day This man was engaged with others altering the position of the permanent way at this point when the bar which Harris was using slipped and struck his groin. Bruising of the left groin. Did not leave work R
245 1/58 462432 28 october 1920 Per. Way Yard, Barry J White 38 Underman 11s 11d per day Two coupled wagons were being moved in the second hand yard by White and other men when the first wagon was stopped by a fang
bolt lying on the rail and his left hand was caught between the wagon buffers.
Bruising of hand. Certified fit 22 November 1920 3 1/3 weeks £5 16s 8d £5 16s 8d R
245 1/59 462429 28 October 1920 Locomotive Sheds Barry F Crew 19 Fitter's Apprentice 8s 3d per day While in the act of pulling the left driving pin side rod cotter out of a Loco the index finger of his left hand caught on a burrat the bottom of the cotter. Finger badly cut Did not leave work F
245 1/60 462430 28 October 1920 Smith's Shop Barry C H Curtis 25 Yard Labourer (L) 12s 6d per day He was lifting a carriage spring and when turning it over for stacking Curtis states that he wrenched his back Back slightly strained Did not leave work F

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