Status: Page Status Transcribed
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
245 | 1/54 | 462425 | 25 October 1925 | Fitting Shop, Barry | D J | Ackland | 31 | Labourer (L) | 11s 8d per day | He was assisting to remove a valve box for No.1 Roller bridge from the Brass Shop to the Fitting Shop wherein his efforts to lift the box clear of the steps he wrenched his wrist. | Right wrist sprained | Did not leave work | F | |||
245 | 1/55 | 462426 | 25 October 1920 | No 2 Dock | G | Millard | 48 | Gateman (Dock) | 14s per day | Millard was leaving duty and in walking along the South side of the Dock his foot caught in the port bow rope of a Steamer causing him to fall. In falling he struck his left hand on one of the crane rails. | Back of hand cut and bruised. | Did not leave work | D | |||
245 | 1/56 | 462427 | 26 October 1920 | No 1 Dock | W J | Hunt | 26 | Underman | 12s 3d per day | Assisting to remove a rail on No 5 tip road when the rough edge of the metal came in contact with and lacerated the third finger of his left hand. | Finger slightly cut. | 29 October 1920 | 2 days | R | ||
245 | 1/57 | 462431 | 26 October 1920 | Near Energlyn | G W | Harris | 48 | Underman | 11s 11d per day | This man was engaged with others altering the position of the permanent way at this point when the bar which Harris was using slipped and struck his groin. | Bruising of the left groin. | Did not leave work | R | |||
245 | 1/58 | 462432 | 28 october 1920 | Per. Way Yard, Barry | J | White | 38 | Underman | 11s 11d per day | Two coupled wagons were being moved in the second hand yard by White and other men when the first wagon was stopped by a fang bolt lying on the rail and his left hand was caught between the wagon buffers. |
Bruising of hand. | Certified fit 22 November 1920 | 3 1/3 weeks | £5 16s 8d | £5 16s 8d | R |
245 | 1/59 | 462429 | 28 October 1920 | Locomotive Sheds Barry | F | Crew | 19 | Fitter's Apprentice | 8s 3d per day | While in the act of pulling the left driving pin side rod cotter out of a Loco the index finger of his left hand caught on a burrat the bottom of the cotter. | Finger badly cut | Did not leave work | F | |||
245 | 1/60 | 462430 | 28 October 1920 | Smith's Shop Barry | C H | Curtis | 25 | Yard Labourer (L) | 12s 6d per day | He was lifting a carriage spring and when turning it over for stacking Curtis states that he wrenched his back | Back slightly strained | Did not leave work | F |
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