


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
240 1/19 485545 4 October 1920 Locomotive Yard Barry J Barwell 70 Shedman 14s 0 per day Whilst in charge of a locomotive which was proceeding from the sheds to the weighing machine a piece of hot ash from the engine came in contact with his right eye Right eye inflamed Did not leave work R
240 1/20 458850 4 October 1920 North Hydraulic Engine House W Chowings 21 Hydraulic Fireman 12s 2d per day This man was engaged attending to the fire od No 9 Boiler when a hot cinder fell into the boot on his right foot and lodged on his instep. Burn on instep Did not leave work D
240 1/21 458844 5 October 1920 Cadoxton North M O'Niell 39 Underman 11s 11d per day This man was assisting to fix a fish-plate to a rail point. He was holding a bolt for a fellow workman to strike when the hammer, which the latter was using, glanced off the bolt and came in contact with O'Niell's left hand. Second finger badly lacerated and habd bruised 12 December 1920 9 2/3 weeks £16 18s 4d £16 18s 4d R
240 1/22 458841 5 October 1921 Penrhos Lower G Tranter 35 Guard 13s 9d per day When applying the brake on a wagon the brake lever flew up causing the brake stick which he was using to strike him under the right jaw. Wound under chin Did not leave work R
240 1/23 458846 5 October 1920 Erecting Shop, Barry L Rowlands 16 Machinist 5s 2 1/2d per day This youth was passing through the Shop on his return from dinner when he slipped and fell. Strained sinews of right knee 3 January 1921 12 2/3 weeks £18 14s 8d £18 14s 8d F
240 1/24 458848 5 and 11 October 1920 Near Penrhos Junction J Jennings 50 Ganger 12s 6d per day Jennings had occasion to lift a coil of iron rope and after doing so he complained of abdominal pains. He was compelled to give up work on October 11th. Strained muscles of abdomen 18 October 1920 1 week. Jennings reported on 27 February 1922 that he was about to be operated upon for a rupture but as Dr states he is suffering from varicosity which is being attributed to this mishap. Liability denied R
240 1/25 458879 5 October 1920 No 2 Dock F J Clogg 21 Underman 11s 11d per day He was riding on a steam lorry clearing dirt from the Dockside and when crossing a Hydraulic valve pit the cover gave way. The front wheels of the lorry dropped into the pit and this caused Clogg to be thrown off. Bruising of right hip Did not leave work D

Notes and Questions

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Line 5 has illegible annotation referring to 1920 - could be short hand.


Line 6 some illegible entries in Resumed work column.

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 5 agreed. I've been ignoring them. They all seem to occur when going from one year to the next. Sadly my Pitman is too rusty!

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 6, but as?

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 6, varicosity. Similar to what is keeping me in bed so much!


And dare I say it, what my hubby suffers from!

Scrumpy Geoff

We must be on our last legs!


Hahaha! Nice one!


Shame there isn't a laughing emoji .