


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
193 9694 455284 6 March 1920 Rhoose Cement Works Siding A J Rimron 18 Brakeman 9s 5d per day Clearing traffic from this siding when it appears that Rimron jumped on the buffers between two wagons which were newly painted in order to get on the loading platform so as to mount the last wagon to ride out, In doing so he slipped on the buffer shell and in his subsequent effrt to reach the platform he fell between it and the wagon. Severe bruising of lower part of body 26 April 1920 7 weeks £12 5s £12 5s R
193 9695 445398 8 March 1920 No 2 Dock E John 50 Capstanman 15s 9d per day A wagon of coal was being drawn on to the turntable of No 23 tip by means of the capstan and John in hurrying to scotch the wagon slipped straining the calf of his right leg Calf of right leg strained 11 March 1920 2 days D
193 9696 445289 8 March 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry A R Jones 25 Loco-fireman 9s 6d per day He was carrying a fire bar from a Loco to place on what is termed the "scrap heap". As he was about to place it on the heap it fell and severly crushed the second and third fingers of his right hand between the bar and the heap Second and third fingers of right hand severely crushed Did not leave work R
193 9697 445397 10 March 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry E Herman 40 Loco driver 15s per day As Herman was stepping on to a plank to cross the pit his foot stepped and he fell into the pit his left side and shoulder striking against it Ribs on left side, and shoulder bruised Did not leave work R
193 9698 445411 8 March 1920 Cadoxton J Ayres 42 Navvy 10s 2d per day A box containing stone was suspended by a crane chain and prior to it being tipped on to the stage of the stone crusher, Ayres on taking hold of the box got the third finger of his right hand caught between it and a stone which had rolled to the side Third finger bruised Did not leave work R
193 9699 445406 8 March 1920 Locomotive Sheds Barry W Toomey 45 Fire Remover 10s 6d Cleaning the ashpan of a Loco, in a pit when an attempt was made to couple this Engine to another, but the coupling missed the hook and in swinging struck his head Wound on back of head 11 March 1920 2 days R
193 9700 445404 10 March 1920 Iron Foundry, Barry W Pearce 36 Foundryman 10s 9d per day Engaged in casting fire-bars and was assisting to carry a ladle of molten iron from the Cupola when a piece of the metal shed therefrom and came in contact with his left eye Left eye inflamed 17 May 1920 9 1/2 weeks £16 12s 6d £16 12s 6d F

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Scrumpy Geoff

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