Status: Complete
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
192 | 9687 | 443619 | 2 March 1920 | No. 2 Dock | W | Clarke | 23 | Loco-fireman | 10s 6d per day | Trimming coal in the bunker of the Locomotive on which he was engaged when the pick he was using struck the cab and glanced off, striking his head. | Slight scalp wound | 4 March 1920 | 1 day | R | ||
192 | 9688 | 443629 | 3 March 1920 | No. 1 Dock | W H | Griffiths | 49 | Fitter | 13s 1d per day | Overhauling the check valve of No. 79 boiler in the Commercial Dry Dock Boiler House and in going to the cupboard for some waste he slipped on a board and caught his foot in the spike which keeps the floor boards together. This caused him to fall against the cupboard and his left arm and knee struck some firebars. | Abrasion of right wrist & left arm and knee | Did not leave work | Did not leave work | F | ||
192 | 9689 | 445387 | 3 March 1920 | Locomotive Sheds, Barry | L E | John | 16 | Loco. cleaner | 4s per day | He states that while cleaning one of the bogey wheels of a Locomotive the steam from the injector pipe scalded his thumb. | Thumb scalded | Did not leave work | Did not leave work | R | ||
192 | 9690 | 445388 | 5 March 1920 | Locomotive Sheds, Barry | W T | Davies | 25 | Fitter | 12s 11d per day | Fixing an axle box on a Locomotive when the brass in the axle box slipped and cut the index finger of his left hand on which was some red lead. | Index finger slightly cut | 22 March 1920 | 2 1/6 weeks | £3 15s 10d | £3 15s 10d | F |
192 | 9691 | 445392 | 6 March 1920 | Goods Yard, Pontypridd | H | Eastlake | 21 | Brakesman | 9s 6d per day | An Engine with three wagons attached was being joined to the brakevan in which Eastlake was standing and the sudden impact caused him to fall against the side of the van, and in consequence his right elbow was bruised. | Elbow of right arm bruised. | Did not leave work | Did not leave work | R | ||
192 | 9692 | 445394 | 3 March 1920 | No 3 Dock (Basin) | J W | Ashman | 33 | Labourer (S) | Tonnage | The s/s "Medway" was being loaded with a quantity of cement. Ashman was assisting in the work when one of the slings of cement in swinging across the hold struck him against the hatch coamings. | Lower part of abdomen bruised. | Did not leave work | Did not leave work | D | ||
192 | 9693 | 445393 | 3 March 1920 | No 1 Dock | W | Lewis | 23 | Tip-cleaner | 9s 5d per day | He was loading small coal, which had been collected from around No 4 Traverser Tip, and in doing so strained the groin on his right side. | Strain in right groin | Did not leave work | Did not leave work | D |
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