

Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
191 9680 443623 24 February 1920 No 2 Dock G Johns 44 Labourer (S) Tonnage Engaged in stowing bags of wheat at the bottom of a pile in Granary "B" when a bag fell from the top of the pile and struck Johns on the head and shoulders. The matter was not reported until February 28th. Shoulder bruised Did not leave work Did not leave work D
191 9681 443622 28 February 1920 8 March 1920 No 1 Dock C Hortop 40 Topman 15s 9d per day In the act of turning off the pressure in the valve house at Nr 8 tip when the key which he was using for this purpose slipped off the top of the valve and struck his right side. He remained at work until 8th March 1920 when he was compelled to give up. Bruising of right side 29 March 1920 2 5/6 weeks £4 19s 2d £4 19s 2d D
191 9682 443620 1 March 1920 High Level Sidings No 2 Dock W H Jones 20 Assistant Linesman 8s 10d per day Jones was engaged cleaning the telephone battery in the foremans cabin and he had removed the battery zinc to scrape away the corrosion. Instead of resting this zinc on a bench he placed it on a point lever outside when an engine passed through the points and caused the overthrow of the lever by which he was struck on the eye. Right eye bruised. 12 March 1920 1 5/6 weeks £1 9s 2d £1 9s 2d R
191 9683 443625 1 March 1920 Cadoxton Sidings S Brewer 59 Navvy 10s 2d per day This man had applied the point of a pick to a piece of timber which he required to remove, and as he was pulling thereat the implement slipped out and caused him to wrench his back. He resumed work on March 4th. Back slightly strained 4 March 1920 2 days R
191 9684 443624 1 March 1920 No 2 Dock J Hobbs 53 Labourer (S) Tonnage Some bags of wheat were being stored in Granary "B" and while Hobbs was waiting for one of these bags to be landed from the mechanical piler another bag fell from the pile, striking the back of his right hand. Back of right hand swollen Did not leave work Did not leave work D
191 9685 443626 2 March 1920 No 1 Dock J D Kirby 21 Deckhand 10s 7 d per day He required to board the Tug "St Baruch" which was lying outside the Tug "Windsor". As he was boarding the latter, the ladder slipped and he fell across the rails of the Tug. Bruising of left side 22 March 1920 2 2/3 weeks £4 13s 4d £4 13s 4d D
191 9686 445380 2 March 1920 Locomotive Shed, Trehafod J H Williams 27 Loco. Fireman 11s per day Walking around the left hand side of the footplate to change the disc from the Bunker to the front part of the Engine when his left leg slipped, causing his right leg to strike the edge of the footplate. Abrasion of right leg Did not leave work Did not leave work R

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Some [?] on this page if this could be looked at, Thank you!

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 2 "purpose"

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 3 placed, outside and [overth???]. We can keep trying on the last one

Scrumpy Geoff

St Baruch

Scrumpy Geoff

Nice one Tim!