


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
190 9673 443594 23 February 1920 No 2 Dock F Maycock 38 Labourer (L) 11s 1d per day This man was taking the small coal counter balance wire off nr 26 tip when one of the loose ends of the wire entered the index finger of his right hand. Punctured wound on index finger of right hand. Did not leave work Did not leave work D
190 9674 443606 23 February 1920 Cadoxton Sidings A Vanburg 45 Navvy 10s 2d per day He was standing on a wagon holding a skip containing soil, in order to steady it, when the chain by which the skip was suspended slipped and the second finger of his right hand was crushed badly between the chain and a stone in the skip. Second finger of right hand amputated. Returned to light work on 6 May 1920, but this work was available on 22 April 1920 - 8 1/2 weeks. Now being paid 12s weekly, i.e half difference between his old rate and rate for light work found here dating from 6th May 1920. He was however only able to work up to 10th May when full compensation re-commended and continued up to 16th July when lump sum settlement effected. £14 11s 8d
£17 6s 4d
£14 11s 8d
£17 6s 4d
190 9675 443611 23 February 1920 No 1 Dock J Selway 63 Hydraulic Driver 12s 3 d per day Selway was walking on the bunker coal in the commercial dry dock engine house when he slipped after stepping on a piece of coal with the result that his right foot was wrenched. He did not report the matters until 27th February 1920 Sprained foot. 8th March 1920 1 5/6 weeks £1 9s 2d £1 9s 2d D.
190 9676 443614 24 February 1920 Frehafod jct. yard S Williams 61 Yardman 11s 2d per day After completion of his turn of duty Williams was walking along a footpath leading from the south of the yard when he states that he slipped and fell into a water course. Right foot sprained 8 March 1920 1 2/3 weeks R.
190 9677 443607 24 February 1920 No 1 Dock S Llewellyn 39 Tipper 15s 9d per day Releasing the hook and chain of the capstan rope from a loaded wagon at nr 4 tip when the second finger of his left hand was caught between the hook and the axle guard of the wagon. Nail of the second finger on left hand partly torn Did not leave work Did not leave work D
190 9678 443608 24 February 1920 No 2 Dock J Morgan 19 Labourer 12s 5d per day He states he was sitting on one of the bogies in the transit warehouse when someone pushed the bogey from behind. It came in contact with a pillar and the impact resulted in Morgan's left foot being caught between the handle and the bogey. Left foot swollen Certified fit 8 April 1920 5 5/6 weeks £10 4s 2d £10 4s 2d D
190 9679 443599 24 February 1920 Locomotive sheds, Barry E Duffey 27 Loco. Fire Remover 10s 6d per day Removing the fire from a Locomotive which was on the pit when a fire can became displaced and fell into the pit striking Duffey's right foot. Bruising of large toe Certified fit 8 March 1920 Was not able to resume until the 10th March consequently compensation payable as from date of accident 2 weeks £1 9s 2d
£2 0s 10d
£1 9s 2d
£2 0s 10d

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Scrumpy Geoff

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