


Status: Complete

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
187 9652 443553 12 February 1920 Rhoose Cement Works G Chick 46 Guard 11s 2d per day When performing shunting operations at Rhoose Cement Works he was in the act of mounting a wagon when he slipped and fell to the ground, wrenching his left knee Left knee wrenched Did not leave work Did not leave work R
187 9653 443556 13 February 1920 Goods Yard, Barry E W Sparks 22 Brakesman 7s 8d per day While Sparks was standing in the Brake Van attending to the stove the Driver started the train which caused Sparks to lose this balance and his forehead struck the bracket which keeps the stove pipe in position Forehead bruised. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
187 9654 443560 13 February 1920 Locomotive sheds, Barry S Prior 17 Loco- cleaner 5s per day A crane and a number of wagons were being shunted and during the course of these operations the cab door of the crane became opened and was knocked off by the Engine. In assisting to lift it on to the crane framing. Prior who was acting Point Turner strained his right hand. Right hand strained. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
187 9655 443563 13 February 1920 Signal Cabin, Barry Island R Paviour 40 Signal Fitter 11s 2d per day He was adjusting the signalling apparatus in this cabin and in getting underneath the locking stage he twisted his right knee. Right knee wrenched. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
187 9656 443566 13 February 1920 No. 2. Dock C R Froom 24 Labourer (S.) 11s 5d per day Discharging timber from a wagon into the Transit Warehouse when he fell between the wagon and the platform of the warehouse sustaining bruises to his left arm and leg. Left leg and arm bruised Did not leave work Did not leave work D
187 9657 443569 13 February 1920 Winvoe E Worthing 45 Loco. Driver 15s per day As he was getting the box containing his food from the tank of the Engine on which he was working a splinter pierced his left thumb beneath the nail. Wound in left thumb Did not leave work Did not leave work R
187 9658 443555 14 February 1920 Cadoxton Sidings W G Kiddie 35 Guard 11s 2d per day Kiddie was in the act of descending from a brakevan when he slipped and wrenched his right knee. Sprained knee 12 April 1920 8 weeks £14 £14 R

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Scrumpy Geoff

I think if the compensation columns do not include figures best to leave them blank

Scrumpy Geoff

Looks pretty good, just needs row 7 cause of accident

Scrumpy Geoff

Thank you. Definitely descending from a brakevan not brakeman!