


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
185 9638 443530 6 February 1920 Trehafod Jct. Sidings G Brock 39 Guard 11s 2d per day He was uncoupling an Engine and an empty coach when the thumb of his right hand became jammed between the ball and screw coupling link. Nail of right thumb split and flesh lacerated Did not leave work Did not leave work R
185 9639 443537 6 February 1920 No 2 Dock J Sullivan 25 Labourer (S) 12s 5d per day Assisting to discharge some cement, and when moving the tilt on a wagon it fell pinning him to the side of the wagon causing a cut on his right jaw and injuries to his shoulder. Right jaw cut and left shoulder bruised 11 February 1920 3 days D
185 9640 443538 7 February 1920 No 2 Dock A Stuart 52 Labourer (S) 12s 5d per day Engaged in rolling a barrel of wine into the bonded store at the transit warehouse when the barrel altered its course and in attempting to right it, his left hand was jammed between the end of the barrel and an iron pillar. Second and third fingers of left hand badly lacerated. Certified fit 15 March 1920 5 weeks £8 15s £8 15s D
185 9641 443540 7 February 1920 Grangetown Station J Casey 49 Loco. Fireman 12s per day This man states that he was taking the fire irons off the tank of a Locomotive which was stationary when he slipped and fell, his back striking the handle of the firehole door. Back bruised Did not leave work Did not leave work R
185 9642 443567 9 February 1920 No 2 Dock F Tremlett 30 Labourer (S) 12s 5d per day Some iron plates were being discharged from a wagon on to the ground - This man was assisting in the work when he slipped and fell bruising his right leg at the knee. Sinews of right knee strained. Did not leave work Did not leave work D
185 9643 443545 9 February 1920 No 2 Dock C Govier 40 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Engaged in connection with the discharge of coal from the Sfs "Uskmouth" and as a loaded tub was being raised out of the hold it commenced to swing and struck Grovier against the tub which he was filling. Right knee severely bruised 10 may 1920 12 5/6 weeks £22 9s 2d £22 9s 2d D
185 9644 443541 10 February 1920 Electrical Engine House Barry J H Martins 38 Linesman 11s 10d per day He was cutting a glass globe with a steel wheel cutter when the globe smashed cutting the index finger of his right hand Index finger of right hand cut. Did not leave work Did not leave work F

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Scrumpy Geoff

Looks like there is a lot more to do on this page!

Scrumpy Geoff

Thanks Sophie. Expect more transcribers soon.


Thanks for the update, really enjoying getting involved with this project

Scrumpy Geoff

The Met Police project has ground to a halt and I am hoping volunteers from there will join in. It's more fun with several regulars.

National Archives of the United Kingdom

The Met Police will hopefully restart in the New Year. Thank you all for the help and support on that one.