

Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
184 9631 443515 2 February 1920 Locomotive Yard, Barry J G Warburton 31 Improver 11s 3d per day In removing the keep of a crane bearing the latter which was struck came away suddenly coming in contact with his face. Cut and abrasion under left eye Did not leave work Did not leave work F
184 9632 443526 2 February 1920 N Goods Yard, Barry W J Limebear 25 Platelayer 9s 6d per day Assisting to load sleepers into a wagon when his right hand became jammed between sleeper and the side of the wagon. Right thumb lacerated and bruised. 3 February 1920 1/2 day R
184 9633 443516 3 February 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry W S Goodall 27 Fitter 13s 1d per day He states that when taking the blastpipe out of a Locomotive, a bar which he was using to keep the smoke box open was moved by a gust of wind, causing the door to swing around and come in contact with his head. Cut on front portion of head. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
184 9634 443514 3 February 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry C Evans 15 Cleaner Loco. 4s per day He states he was removing a piece of coal out of the bunker of a Locomotive when it slipped and fell on his right hand which was resting on the bunker. Mishap occurred during his meal time & he had no business on this Engine. Top of index finger crushed. 5 February 1920 1 1/2 days R
184 9635 443539 4 February 1920 Deep Water Entrance P McGahan 40 Driver 15s 1d per day Cleaning mud from the bed of the Caisson when a strand from an old wire cable which was foul of the bed penetrated his right hand Wound on right hand. Did not leave work Did not leave work D
184 9636 443522 4 February 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry E David 19 Loco. Cleaner 8s 6d per day He states that when removing some ashes from the adjustable footplate of a Loco, the flap on being raised, fell and his lef hand was caught between it and the footplate. Left hand slightly crushed. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
184 9637 443531 5 February 1920 Coal Stage, Trehafod L E Jones 41 Guard 10s 9d per day Applying the brake lever to a wagon of coal when it 'kicked' and came in contact with his left wrist. Left wrist bruised. Did not leave work Did not leave work R

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