Status: Page Status Transcribed
Page | Reference to Report | Check No. | Name | Occupation | Date of Accident | Nature of Injury | How caused | Degree of injury | Accident Fund On | Accident Fund Off | Remarkes |
752 | D 10 August 1916 | 0244 | W. Spelling | Fireman | 5 August 1916 at 8.35 | Finger injured | Caught between buffer casting and head of carriage | Slight | 7 August 1916 | 18 August 1916 | |
752 | D 10 August 1916 | 01083 | C. Sullivan | Cleaner | 11 August 1916 at 10.20 | Head injured | Fell from coal truck onto ground striking head on rail | Slight | |||
752 | [SK] 1 September 1916 | D161 | WH Stevenson | Fireman | 1 September 1916 at 1.50 | R. Hand injured | Jammed between coal box and upright of stage | Slight | 1 September 1916 | 22 September 1916 | |
752 | G 2 September 1916 | 0816 | F G Sampford | Acting Fireman | 21 August 1916 4:0 | Crushed finger | It struck bunkerside when shovelling coal | Slight | 31 August 1916 | 8 September 1916 | |
752 | J83 | W J Skidmore | Fireman | 28 August 1916 10:15 | Left eye injured | Foreign body entered it | Slight | ||||
752 | J392 | J J Saltmarsh | Fireman | 29 August 1916 8:20 | Left thumb | Shovel slipped and he struck thumb against bunkerside | Slight | ||||
752 | J 84 | H Savill | Fireman | 3 September 1916 12:0 | Right hand, hip and chest injured | He slipped off engine and fell to the ground | Slight | ||||
752 | D137 | J Sawkins | Driver | 6 September 1916 7:10 | Right arm and shoulder injured | Guard applied brake and stopped train causing Sawkins to fall against firebox | Slight | ||||
752 | Per 12 /9/16 | D388 | A J Sparke | Driver | 9 September 1916 1:0 | Left wrist injured | Caught it on blinker plates | ||||
752 | D140 | H Scaggs | Driver | 9 September 1916 4:40 | Head injured | Struck it on step of engine when getting out of pit | |||||
752 | Per 14/9/16 | J283 | H Stubbens | Fireman | 13 September 1916 5:35 | Head injured | It came in contact with open carriage door | 13 September 1916 | 20 September 1916 | ||
752 | D 19/9/16 | D424 | D J Smith | Fireman | 18 September 1916 9:0 | Left hand cut | It came in contact with blinker plate | 19 September 1916 | 7 October 1916 | ||
752 | D 25/9/16 | D137 | J sawkins | Driver | 21 September 1916 7:0 | Right shoulder | He slipped and struck shoulder against hand rail of sand box of engine | 23 September 1916 | 19 October 1916 |
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