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Page Reference to Report Check No. Name Occupation Date of Accident Nature of Injury How caused Degree of injury Accident Fund On Accident Fund Off Remarkes
748 Kn 5/1/16 D184 H Smith Driver 1 January 1916 Right eye injured Foreign body entered it slight 1 January 1916 14 January 1916
748 D397 W Saunders Fireman 17 January 1916 12:0 Right leg injured Slipped and grazed leg on edge of coal stage slight
748 SK 22/1/16 D4390 H Skewith Fireman 20 January 1916 12 midnight Right eye injured Foreign body entered it slight 21 January 1916 2 June 1916
748 6026 L Smith Casual Coalman 31 January 1916 7:20 Right foot injured Piece of coal fell on to it slight
748 Bn 3/2/16 D76 S J Sutton Fireman 31 January 1916 8:20 Right foot injured Piece of coal fell on to it and afterwards struck PLA labourer? slight
748 D339 J Spearman Fireman 10 February 1916 1:50 Finger Caught by flap of coal box slight
748 6036 L Smith Casual Coalman 19 February 1916 6:20 Finger Caught finger on cross stay of truck slight
748 B Spicer Fireman 17 February 1916 3:35 Finger Caught between reversing wheel and oil bottle slight
748 D 29/2/16 6036 L J Smith Casual labourer 19 February 1916 6:20 Finger Struck it against cross-stay of truck slight 25 February 1916 3 May 1916
B 27/2/16 0930 D Southwell Fireman 14 February 1916 3:30 Testicles Coal slipped from under his feet and he fell onto hammer shaft slight 15 February 1916 3 March 1916
D193 A Steel Driver 11 march 1916 2:0 L leg, right arm bad injured He slipped and fell between engine and platform (Ilford) slight
D219 JJ Sinewer Fireman 19 March 1916 8:05 Strain of chest He slipped on footplate while holding handrail slight
0893 E Smith Driver 25 March 1916 5:30 Finger injured It was jammed between two pieces of coal slight
J339 JC Spearman Fireman 28 March 1916 4:15 Back injured Slipped and fell to ground slight
J457 H Stone Fireman 13 April 1916 4:30 Righht leg scalded By hot water from hot pipe slight
Last edit 26 days ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Reference to Report Check No. Name Occupation Date of Accident Nature of Injury How caused Degree of injury Accident Fund On Accident Fund Off Remarkes
750 Bu 10 May 1916 0769 C. Stock Cas Cleaner 3 May 1916 at 6.30 L. foot sprained He slipped off ramp of platform at B Stortford Slight 3 May 1916 12 May 1916
750 D 16 May 1916 283 W J Sherwood Fireman 11 May 1916 at 12.30 Burn of L Wrist He caught it on gauge column Slight 15 May 1916 26 May 1916
750 D 272 H Smith Driver 7 June 1916 11 L side strained In reaching up sharply to regulator Slight
750 D 272 H Smith Driver 9 June 1916 at 9.35 Head injured Struck it against truck door Slight
750 D 219 W Say Driver 27 June 1916 at 11.30 Knees bruised Slipped and struck knees on footplate Slight
750 D 204 D Spall Fireman 17 June 1916 at 1.20 Finger injured Jammed between handle of pricker & top of tender Slight
750 6029 A Smith Coalman 4 July 1916 at 2.0 R knee injured Stepped on Piece of coal and struck knee on plank Slight
750 Ku 10 July 1916 D 156 E Smith Driver 7 July 1916 at 11.48 R Hand injured Jammed between reversing wheel and lid of tool box Slight 8 July 1916 22 July 1916
750 Ku 12 July 1916 6021 A E Smith Casual Boilerwasher 6 July 1916 at 10.0 Finger Jammed between sieve and tender framing Slight 11 July 1916 22 July 1916
750 0941 T E Smith Fireman 10 July 1916 at 12.50 L eye Struck by piece of coal Slight
750 D 419 E G Shead Fireman 15 July 1916 at 1.45 L eye Small piece of coal entered it Slight
750 Bu 18 July 1916 0464 A Smith Cas Coalman 13 July 1916 at 4.40 L Hand Squeezed between engine and truck buffers Slight 12 July 1916 22 July 1916
750 D217 A D Smith Fireman 19 July 1916 Finger In closing bunker slide Slight 20 July 1916 28 July 1916
750 D217 D Smith Fireman 18 July 1916 at 2.30 L Leg He caught hold of delivery pipe which was hot and fell Slight 18 July 1916 22 September 1916
750 Bu 15 July 1916 0845 C Stearling Pumper 25 July 1916 at 6.10 L Leg scalded On removing mud door hot water went onto leg Slight
750 5991 R J Stanley Call Lad 5 August 1916 at 12.15 L. side bruised Cycle collided with child in Millais Rd causing him to fall Slight
Last edit about 1 month ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Reference to Report Check No. Name Occupation Date of Accident Nature of Injury How caused Degree of injury Accident Fund On Accident Fund Off Remarkes
752 D 10 August 1916 0244 W. Spelling Fireman 5 August 1916 at 8.35 Finger injured Caught between buffer casting and head of carriage Slight 7 August 1916 18 August 1916
752 D 10 August 1916 01083 C. Sullivan Cleaner 11 August 1916 at 10.20 Head injured Fell from coal truck onto ground striking head on rail Slight
752 [SK] 1 September 1916 D161 WH Stevenson Fireman 1 September 1916 at 1.50 R. Hand injured Jammed between coal box and upright of stage Slight 1 September 1916 22 September 1916
752 G 2 September 1916 0816 F G Sampford Acting Fireman 21 August 1916 4:0 Crushed finger It struck bunkerside when shovelling coal Slight 31 August 1916 8 September 1916
752 J83 W J Skidmore Fireman 28 August 1916 10:15 Left eye injured Foreign body entered it Slight
752 J392 J J Saltmarsh Fireman 29 August 1916 8:20 Left thumb Shovel slipped and he struck thumb against bunkerside Slight
752 J 84 H Savill Fireman 3 September 1916 12:0 Right hand, hip and chest injured He slipped off engine and fell to the ground Slight
752 D137 J Sawkins Driver 6 September 1916 7:10 Right arm and shoulder injured Guard applied brake and stopped train causing Sawkins to fall against firebox Slight
752 Per 12 /9/16 D388 A J Sparke Driver 9 September 1916 1:0 Left wrist injured Caught it on blinker plates
752 D140 H Scaggs Driver 9 September 1916 4:40 Head injured Struck it on step of engine when getting out of pit
752 Per 14/9/16 J283 H Stubbens Fireman 13 September 1916 5:35 Head injured It came in contact with open carriage door 13 September 1916 20 September 1916
752 D 19/9/16 D424 D J Smith Fireman 18 September 1916 9:0 Left hand cut It came in contact with blinker plate 19 September 1916 7 October 1916
752 D 25/9/16 D137 J sawkins Driver 21 September 1916 7:0 Right shoulder He slipped and struck shoulder against hand rail of sand box of engine 23 September 1916 19 October 1916
Last edit 26 days ago by Tim Lidbetter
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Page Reference to Report Check No. Name Occupation Date of Accident Nature of Injury How caused Degree of injury Accident Fund On Accident Fund Off Remarkes
754 F392 J T Saltmarsh Fireman 24 September 1916 at 7.00 Finger injured A piece of scale entered finger under nail Slight
754 D177 W Starling Driver 28 September 1916 at 11.25 Testicles injured Struck by handle of reversing wheel Slight
754 0621 H Furlong Fireman 3 October 1916 at 12.50 L. eye injured Struck by piece of coal Slight See Letter "J"
754 D272 H Smith Driver 9 October 1916 at 3.25 R. side strained In working regulator of Eng No 1103 Slight
754 217D W T Skinner Driver 24 October 1916 at 8.30am Scalded R Arm Steam from donkey exhaust pipe went over it
754 Kn 2/11/16 5991 R J Stanley Call-lad 1 November 1916 at 9.30 Testicles injured While cycling he collided with road van Slight 2 November 1916 9 November 1916
754 Br 4/11/16 0325 W Sawyer Fireman 3 November 1916 at 5.38 Head injured Struck by open carriage door Slight 3 November 1916 11 November 1916
754 6022 A G Saunders Casual Labourer 5 November 1916 at 11.00 R. hand injured Accidentally struck hand on edge of sand furnace Slight
754 F. 28 J Smewin Acting Driver 7 November 1916 at 3.55 R leg injured Slipped & fell into pit Slight
754 D 3.30 W Snow Driver 5 November 1916 at 12.00 L. leg strained Slipped when going round footplate while oiling -
754 5561 W Smith Labourer 14 November 1916 at 3.00 Head cut Struck by piece of coal being thrown on to tender of eng @L'pool St Slight
754 F M 6 A Stapleton Fireman 21 November 1916 at 11.00 Back injured He slipped when raising flap to oil gland cups & fell to ground
754 D 109 R Simmons Driver 24 November 1916 at 2.00 L. foot injured He dislodged pricker which fell onto foot Slight
754 D 109 R Simmons Driver 18 December 1916 at 10.30 L. hand cut He caught it on blinker plate Slight
754 AK 16/12/16 (Mrs) J R Smith Cleaner 11 December 1916 at 3.45 R. ankle sprained Slipped on steps leading from mess room Slight 12 December 1916 31 January 1917 21 January 1917 28 February 1917 Second occasion
Last edit about 1 month ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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Page Reference to Report Check No. Name Occupation Date of Accident Nature of Injury How caused Degree of injury Accident Fund On Accident Fund Off Remarkes
756 SDAF F 424 D G Smith Fireman 17 December 1916 at 11.50 Finger injured Ball of coupling struck finger Slight
756 G 16/1/17 D 272 H Smith Driver 8 January 1917 at 9.51 Strained side In reversing engine Slight 12 January 1917 17 March 1917
756 F 217 C Sesines Fireman 13 January 1917 R. ankle injured Slipped off footplate & fell to the ground Slight
756 D - 22/1/17 F. 78 F Searle Fireman 21 January 1917 at 9.10 Shock & head Fell from tender to ground Slight 22 January 1917 9 February 1917
756 B. 15/2/17 I F C Smith Shed Turner 13 February 1917 at 9.00 L. leg injured He slipped & fell over a spring on rack Slight 14 February 1917 2 March 1917
756 D - 22/2/17 D177 W Starking Driver 21 February 1917 at 5.30 Finger injured Reversing lever sprung back onto his R hand which he had placed on rack Slight 21 February 1917 31 March 1917
756 X 01077 C Sullivan Acting Fireman 8 March 1917 at 7.30 L. foot injured Firehole door fell onto it Slight
756 X 0893 E Smith Driver 11 March 1917 R. groin injured He slipped off side of pit Slight
756 X 5835 J Simkins Cleaner 21 March 1917 at 10.20 Face injured He slipped & fire bars which he had on shoulder struck his face. Slight
756 G. 19/3/17 01055 F W Scott Fireman 6 March 1917 at 7.00 Finger injured Cut it on sharp piece of coal Slight 13 March 1917 21 March 1917
756 5725 G Smith Acting Fireman 24 March 1917 at 7.00 L. hand injured He slipped & fell onto fire on Fire Rd Slight
756 F 158 W Seago Fireman 28 March 1917 at 5.00 Back injured He slipped when throwing shovel-full of coal into engine bunker Slight
756 SDSF 18/4/17 01103 H Smith Casual Coalman 10 April 1917 at 10.30 L. knee injured Caught his foot against point rod & fell Slight 10 April 1917 4 May 1917 28 April 1917 19 May 1917 Second occasion
756 SDSF 20/4/17 F137 H G Staines Fireman 19 April 1917 at 5.00 Toe injured Tender slide fell on to his foot Slight 20 April 1917 27 April 1917
Last edit 24 days ago by Scrumpy Geoff
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