The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is collaborating with the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) in a cooperative collection building and digitization project that will serve to support biodiversity and scientific research in Ukraine, help preserve rare and unique Ukrainian cultural heritage materials, and make these resources openly accessible. The project focuses on the digitization of Ukrainian titles, including those written in Ukraine or about Ukraine, with an emphasis on biodiversity research dating back to the nineteenth century. Digitized titles from both NAL and other BHL partners will be accessible via a dedicated collection on the BHL website.
Before beginning a project, please review the guidelines and instructions below. The same instructions can also be found underneath the transcription windows for each work.
For works in Ukrainian, Russian, or languages other than English:
For works in the Ukrainian Collection that are in Ukrainian, Russian, or languages other than English, use the following guidelines.
Note that this material will all include original OCR, which will need corrected. Some of the OCR may be in the incorrect language due to an error in the OCR process (such as OCR done in Ukrainian for a document in Russian). If you find such an error, please leave a comment on the title page of the document in the Notes and Questions field below. In such instances, please replace the original OCR with the correct transcribed language.
- For each work, correct the title page, table of contents (if applicable), and any prefaces or front matter. If desired, you may continue to correct the rest of the document, but it is not necessary.
- Transcribe the text as it appears and do not mimic the page layout.
- Do not transcribe stamps, date stamps, call numbers, or notes that were placed there by a library. Remove any such text that might have carried over from the OCR.
- The OCR will likely include numerous strange characters and symbols that do not appear in the document. Remove them and only transcribe and correct text.
- When you are finished correcting or transcribing a page, click
. This will automatically mark the page as needing review.
Translating the transcribed text to English:
- After a page has been transcribed or corrected, click the
tab. The transcribed page will appear in the left-hand pane. Begin translating the transcribed text in the right-hand pane. - You can toggle between the original image and the OCR/transcription by clicking the
Show Image
button above the left-hand pane. - Keep the same formatting and line spacing as the transcribed text.
- When you are finished translating a page, check
Page Needs Review
above the pane and then clickSave Changes
For works in English:
For the works in the Ukrainian Collection that are already in English, use the following guidelines:
- Correct the existing OCR for the entire work.
- Do not transcribe stamps, date stamps, call numbers, or notes that were placed there by a library. Remove any such text that might have carried over from the OCR.
- When you are finished correcting or transcribing a page, click
. This will automatically mark the page as needing review.
Agropravila po lekarstvennym i aromaticheskim rasteniiam
73, [1] pages 23 cm
Collaboration is restricted.
Derzhavna pleminna kniga velikoi biloi svini na Ukraini
51 pages
Collaboration is restricted.
Iz istorii voprosa ob osushenii bolot Poltavskoi gubernii
69 pages
Collaboration is restricted.
K otsenke otchnosti ucheta posevnykh ploshchadei na Ukraine
26 pages
Collaboration is restricted.
Nailuchshie sorta kukuruzy i ploshchadi pitaniia dlia nikh
48 pages
Collaboration is restricted.
Narodnoe khozi?a?i?stvo Ukrainy v 1921 g. Otchet Ukrainskogo Ekonomicheskogo soveta Sovetu truda i oborony
886 pages ; 26 cm
Collaboration is restricted.
Ozimye khleba i sposoby uvelicheniia ikh urozhaev v v stepnoi Ukraine
31 pages
Collaboration is restricted.
Plan meropriiatii po bor?be s zasukhoi
66 p
Collaboration is restricted.
Selektsiia krymskikh pshenits
46 pages
Collaboration is restricted.