zDEMO Trustees Minutes



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Corporation Meeting 21st April 1835

A Meeting of the Proprietors of Lots in the Cemetery of Mount Auburn was held this twenty first day of April AD. eighteen hundred & thirty five pursuant to a notification in the words & figures following; vis.

Mount Auburn Cemetery

Notice is hereby given to the Proprietors of the Lots in the Cemetery of Mount Auburn that a meeting will be held on Tuesday April 21st at 4 o'Clock P.M. at the Horticultural Room, No 79 Cornhill Boston to see if they will accept the Charter granted by the Legislature for incorporating the said Proprietors, and if accepted to organize the said Corporation and transact all other business that may be legally brought before them._ Proprietors who shall before at or during the said meeting, by writing assent to becoming members of the Corporation will be entitled to vote by proxy._ Boston. April 14, 1835

Joseph Story John Davis J. Bigelow Isaac Parker George Bond Charles P. Curtis;_

which notification was published in a newspaper printed in Boston, called Boston Daily Advertiser and Patriot, seven days a least before the day appointed for the said meeting

The Honble John Daivs was elected Moderator

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of the Meeting and Charles P. Curtis was chosen Secretary, and was duly qualified

Act of Incorporation accepted

The Act of the Legislature passed March 31, 1835 entitled an Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn was read by the Secretary, and it was unanimously— voted to accept the same and to proceed to organize the said Corporation;

Trustees chosen

It was then voted to proceed to the choice of nine Trustees, to be chosen by ballot, and Samuel Whitwell Esq. was appointed a Comemittee to receive sort & count the votes for trustees, and on his report it appeared that Messrs Joseph Story Samuel Appleton, George Bond, Jacob Bigelow, Benjamin A. Gould, Charles Brown, Charles P. Curtis, Joseph P. Bradlee and James Read were unanimously chosen Trustees of the said Corporation It was then voted that Joseph Story Esq. be a committee to prepare such Bylaws as he should deem necessary, who reported the following;_

By Law_ Annual Meeting.

The annual Meeting of the Corporation shall be held on the twenty fourth day of September in each year ^being the day on which Mount Auburn was consecrated to the purposes of a Cemetery, unless the same day shall happen on a Sunday, in which case it shall be held on the day next succeeding; and the annual meeting shall ^be held in the city of Boston at such place and time of the day as the Trustees shall appoint;_

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the first annual meeting shall be held on the twenty fourth day of September next; It was voted to adopt & pass the same as one of the By Laws of the Corporation. -

Trustees to procure Conveyance

It was then voted that the Trustees be authorized to procure & accept a conveyance from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, of all the lands & tenements & personal estate held by them in Cambridge & Watertown or elsewhere appertaining to the Garden & Cemetery of Mount Auburn

This meeting was then adjourned to Tuesday May 19, 1835 at 4 o'clock P.M. at the Horticultural Room, in Cornhill, Boston -


Charles P. Curtis, Secretary

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. On the twenty third day of April A.D. 1835, personally appeared Benjamin R. Curtis and made oath that he would faithfully discharge the duties of Secretary of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn - Before me

Charles P. Curtis Justice of the Peace

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