p016_Diary of Martha Call




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of splendid stores - On the way we went into the
rooms of the American Art Union, where we saw
some most beautiful pictures - One, of the children in
the woods pleased me very much. There was little Red
Riding Hood too, and an old woman at her wash-tub
as natural as life. The walls of two large rooms are
completely covered with beautiful paintings. After having
continued our walk till I began to feel quite weary, we
turned into Broome Street, where I thought Mrs Mellen
kept, but though we walked nearly the whole length of
it, we could not find her, and had the satisfaction
of returning defeated. By the time we reached the Bowery
I was so completely tired that I could hardly place one
foot before the other, but instead of finding as we hoped
a car all ready to take us up, we had to wait a long
time and see a cars and ever so many omnibuses pass
by already filled. At last we got places in an omnibus
where a very pleasant man made room for us, and we
were not at all sorry to get home and at an early hour
to go to bed. This morning I was abed till very late
but as I had to make up the lost sleep of the night
before, and as Aunt Mary gave me a special charge to
lie as long as I wanted so I did'nt care much, even though
my breakfast had to be kept long after other people had
done. Soon after breakfast Uncle announced his intention
of taking us out to ride, so we soon made ourselves ready,
the two aunts, uncle and I, leaving Cara at home to keep

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