p009_Diary of Martha Call




Status: Complete


ready to take breakfast. This morning Henry, Emmie
and I went to hear Mr Horton, their minister. I
cannot blame Henry much for not liking to go twice
a day to hear him, for though all that he said was
very good, it seemed to be wholly without spirit or life.
The text was - I forget the precise words and the
place but something like this. "There shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham
and Isaac and all the prophets in the kingdom,
and you yourselves thrust out." Yesterday I had a
long letter from Hannah and Mary. There is some
talk about my going to New York with Aunt Hadlock
and it is waiting for Henry to make up his mind.
I should exceedingly like to go.

Heard Mr Horton again this afternoon from
Hebrews, 12, 14. "Follow peace with all men, and
holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord."
He spoke first of peace, as being expressly enjoined
in the Bible, then more particularly of holiness.
Holiness is not mere morality, a man may lead a
perfectly moral and upright life, and yet be destitute
of holiness. It is not religious knowledge, though I
speak with the tongues of men and of angels, it
profiteth me nothing. It is not a profession only.
Holiness is a likeness to the character of God. Be ye
holy, even as I am holy. He then spoke of the reasons
why without holiness it would be impossible to enjoy

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