1879-01-27 to 1884-07-10 Copying Book: Superintendent's Letters, 2005.062.008

Letterpress Copying Book. Bound ledger of Superintendent's Correspondence, January 27,1879-July 10, 1884, pp. 1-738 including correspondence of James W. Lovering.


Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 1)
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Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 1)


Dr. C. E. Inches

Dear Sir,

I send by Express Key to Tomb of Mrs. Sturgis Number 3511 this day.

Very Respectfully J. W. Lovering Sup't per Childs

Last edit over 3 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 2)
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Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 3)
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Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 3)


Chas. E. Leighton Esq

Dear Sir

In answer to your note of 11, inst please find herewith table of charges for the three years

Very Respectfully

J. W. Lovering Supt. per Childs

. .
Expenses 1876
Care of lot $ 4.00
Top Dressing $3.00
Repairing Sod &etc $12.10
1/2% Donation}
as per contract}
[Total] $20.60
Expenses 1877
Painting Fence $3.00
Care of lot $3.50
1/2% Donation $1.50
[Total] $8.00
Expenses 1878
Care of lot $3.50
Top dressing (fall) $2.25
Wood ash (spring)
& seed
Lead & Clean
1/2% Donation $1.50
[Total] $12.75
Last edit over 3 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 4)
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Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 4)


1. J. Breck & Son 64.73
2 J. Bolger 12.75
3. Child & Crocker 22.80
4. D. U. Chamberlin & Co 236.89
5. Dodge Gilbert & Co. 5.93
7. J. W. Grigg & Co. 373.91
8. E. H. Luke & Son 27.25
9. John Rich & Co. 2.41
10. R. Sherburne 6.50
11. Walworth M'nf. Co. 8.27
12. MC Warren & Co. 19.23
13. John M. Whittemore & Co. 20.93
14. George G. Wright 4.92
[Total] $817.75
Mr H. B. Mackintosh Tr.

Please find herewith bills as above.

J. W. Lovering Sup.t per Childs

Last edit about 1 year ago by gbenoit
Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 5)
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Copying Book: Supt's Letters, 1879-1880 (page 5)


S. T. Snow Esq Chair, Committee on Lots.

Dear Sir

I have examined lots #1 and #1556 and find that about the only way to put them in decent condition is to remove the steps and curb, which are not worth repairing and set plain corner posts. I think this can be done for what the old material will bring and the amount now to the credit of the funds for repairs in excess of the original donation (viz about $150).

Respectfully J. W. Lovering

Last edit over 3 years ago by gbenoit
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